Losing him

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Bri's pov

I wasn't going to apologize, not this time. This time I was in the right. Daddy had been spending all his time with the other doms and barely loving me over this past week. I know he has work but I'm his little he needs to pay attention to me to.

We were currently at the club, me pouting and the others talking. Daddy started to head over in this directions with the dudes he works with, "Baby I have a mission, I have to go for the day alright?"

He tries to kiss me but I turn my head so he gets my cheek causing him to sigh in frustration, "I Iove you baby girl, I have to leave now."

Instead of responding I keep pouting and not look at him until after a moment he turns around and leaves, as he walked out the building I missed him already, but he wasn't paying any attention to me.

A few hours later...

 He still wasn't back, I missed him and felt bad for being rude to him like that. I wanted to cuddle and get kisses from my daddy. Maybe he was mad at me... The thought started a train of other thoughts and I got a bit stressed. 

"You ok little one?"

I look up to Maria with tears in my eyes, "I think I made daddy mad and now he doesn't wove me anymore."

"No sweety," she walks over and hugs me, "He's just busy, Hunter doesn't hate you. I don't think he'd ever be able to even if he tried. Hunter's just busy."

"B-but I was being mean to h-him."

"He'll forgive you don't worry I'm sure he's just-", she got cut off by her phone ringing.

"Hello?....WHAT?! How bad.....Shit....Yes sir I'll bring her right over." 

She hung up and looked at me with concern, "Sweetie, your daddy got injured in a fight, he's at the hospital so I'm taking you there."

I froze and could feel tears welling in my eyes, in no time she got me out of the club and into her car. The whole ride to the hospital I was scared and crying, I loved him so much but I was acting up with him. What if our last moments were me being stupid and disobeying him? I couldn't stand the thought of losing him.

In the hospital I recognized some of the men daddy worked with, they were in the lobby and standing guard in front of his room, when they let me in the sight made me want to cry all over again. He was bandaged across the chest, an IV in his arm and some small cuts. He got shot on the chest...

I whimper and walk over to him, "Daddy?"

He stays silent his breathing slow and steady, tears form in my eyes and run down my face as I whimper and crawl into his bed with him and cry against his shoulder burying my face in his neck.


His voice is croaky and rough and his eyes crack open. "I'm sorry I was so bratty, please don't hate me daddy I love you."

"Shh don't cry baby," he wipes my tears, "I love you too."

I sigh in relief and cuddle into him, "You scared me!"

"Sorry baby girl."

"I thought I was losing you."

"Im not leaving my beautiful princess, and you're not leaving me."

I nod and cuddle into him, he was safe and everything was ok.

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