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I awoke to the sunlight streaming in through the blinds, perfectly illuminating my lavender colored walls. Why purple, you ask? Well, my mother picked out the color for me before she passed away. She thought it screamed girl-power and I can't disagree with her. My dad doesn't like it because "I am not a little girl anymore" and "Your mother isn't here anymore. She's dead". He frequently tells me to paint over it. I say I will out of fear but I won't. He always forgets to punish me for it anyways, so why would I? Painting over the purple-stained walls would erase the last memory of my mother and that is not going to happen. My dad burned everything that belonged to her and I only got to snatch the necklace she wore on a daily basis out of a black trash bag that sat in the backyard. You see, my dad, he mourns in the worst possible way. After my mom's death, he decided that instead of speaking with his daughter he'd rather subdue his thoughts with drugs and alcohol. That goes to show how good of a person he is now.

Immediately, I squinted my eyes, attempting to avoid going blind.

"Stupid sun, always ruining my sleep!"

I rolled over on my other side, facing away from the impolite window. I opened my eyes and blinked like crazy, attempting to make the black spots disappear. Once they receded to wherever they came from, I stretched out my entire body whilst simultaneously letting out a pterodactyl screech.

"Jesus, that was loud..."

I chuckled at my excessive behavior and looked over to my alarm clock. It read 7:56 AM.


I jumped out of bed, throwing my covers into the floor in the process. My dad is going to be so mad! Every morning he expects me to have breakfast ready and in his office by 8:00 but unfortunately for me, I didn't wake up to any of my alarms. I ran throughout my room like a crazy person grabbing any clothes that would suffice. He expects me to look decent whenever I leave my room so that I "don't embarrass him".  Basically, I have to put on a facade. I have to act like I am a young, sweet girl but sometimes it's very hard to do.

Deciding that the clothes I put on worked, I ran to my door and opened it with a little more force than necessary. It banged against my wall and decided create a massive hole in it. Yay, more reason for my dad to punish me. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I scrambled down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and automatically let out a groan.

"Who moved the food around in this damn fridge!

I spotted the carton and I pulled it out from under a gallon of milk. What idiots! I swear this pack house is going to be the death of me.

Grabbing a pan, I carefully cracked the eggs and began to stir them with a spatula whilst attempting to reach into the cabinet for the bread. I wish I had four arms! Woah, wait... that would look kind of crazy, wouldn't it? Focus, Aspen! Finally, I reached the bread and threw it into the toaster. The time on the stove read 8:01. I'm literally going to be murdered. Opening another cabinet, I grabbed a plate and dumped the eggs and the almost-burnt toast onto it. I scrambled back up the steps and made it to the front doors of my father's office. I knocked. I knocked again. No answer but then again I am not surprised. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. There he was, asleep on his desk. I let out a sigh and walked over to him,making sure not to step on the vast majority of beer bottles lying scattered across the floor. I sat down the plate of breakfast onto his desk, making sure not to knock anything off considering it was extremely messy.


"Alpha, wake up," I shook his arm lightly, attempting to wake him. Of course, that didn't work.

"Alpha!" I yelled out louder than I should've.

Immediately, he started to wake up. I stepped backwards quickly, attempting to gain space from him. He looked up at me with, what seems to be, a permanent scowl on his face. My heartbeat quickened. I am not afraid of anyone in this damned pack house besides him. Why do I have to be afraid of my own father? I looked down at my feet, awaiting my next command.

"Aspen, who the hell do you think you are?!" Your daughter. "You are not allowed to wake me with such a tone, do you understand me?!"

"Yes, Alpha. I- I am very sorry. I did not mean to yell."

It was now 8:08 and I was silently praying that he wouldn't look a the clock.


He looked down at the clock.

His head darted toward me and I sucked in a breath. Rapidly, he got up from his desk and made his way over to me. He grabbed me by the throat and shoved me into the dusty bookcase behind me. That's bound to leave a bruise.

"Aspen, did you think that I wouldn't look at the time?! Do you think I am that stupid?!" Yes.

Because of my lack of response, he gripped my throat even tighter causing me to claw at his hands. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and it made me want to gag. I gasped for air whilst he continued to send me questions and death threats. I couldn't hear them. Black filled my vision just as it did this morning.

"Alpha, please," I somehow croaked out.

He let go and my body crashed to the floor. I gasped for air and attempted to grip onto anything surrounding me, hopefully the door handle. Then, I felt a sharp pain to my side. I could barely see while he kicked me over and over, sending more death threats toward me. I attempted to crawl away from him but my body was too weak. He trudged after me but was thankfully interrupted by his Beta, Michael, opening the door of his office.

"Alpha, leave the girl alone. I could hear you beating her all the way from downstairs. You have to be quieter."

Quieter? Are you fucking kidding me? I finally gained the strength to stand and I hurried over to the door.

"Please, excuse me," I said while while grabbing the door handle and not waiting for a response.

"Aspen," I heard my father say. I abruptly stopped my movements.

Yes dad? You're sorry? Is that it? 

"This was just a warning."

I quickly nodded, leaving the room. Tears filled my eyes as I walked back to my bedroom. I forced down my tears and walked over to my desk. I opened the drawer and grabbed a small, velvet box. I opened it and tears filled my eyes once again. The necklace was in the shape of a crescent moon and at the center of it, there was a black diamond. Why did you have to die mom? Why did you leave me here with dad? I don't understand, I never have. Tears filled my eyes once again and I let them fall freely this time. Just this once.

I finally closed the box after crying over it for 30 minutes, not caring if the other pack members could hear me. My eyes were puffy and my nose was runny. What a great combination. I picked up my sheets from the floor and laid them onto my bed. I crawled into the duvet, immediately being greeted by warmth since I had only been out of bed for 20 minutes. My eyes closed and with that, I slept.


Hello lovelies! Thank you so much for reading the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed:) Stay tuned for more!! Please comment for feedback, thanks!

PEACE! (Yes, this is a Dolan Twins reference... sue me.)

P.S. this is 1300 words... WOAH

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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