Chapter One: The Murder

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It seemed like a regular day in Pittsburgh, As soon as I walked in the house arriving home from school, I knew something was...well very irregular about this day. The house had a dark, choking feeling about it, the air seemed to hang in the room unmoving in our usually airy house. The happy mood had shifted to a suddenly more eerie feel. As I approach the front door I begin yelling for my mother. I called and called stopping in the door way to remove my shoes, I was confused by my mothers suddenly being unresponsive. She would usually greet me at the door, ask me how school was, she always had something to say. Not giving it another thought I walked into the dining room I then notice that dinner is not on the table like it would usually be every other evening. That the air isn't filled with the smell of the chicken out pie promised to me to get me out of bed. The smell in the air is but indescribable. I hurry around the kitchen table bursting into the small dank living room to see my mother out cold on the floor, a trial of blood from her head to a near by lamp. Shocked all I can do is scream. Clara comes running out to me from the pantry her tear stained face red and puffy. She cries tears falling down her cheeks at a rapid speed, she shakes crying my name in a haunting way. I look to the ground holding Clara close and watch my mother take her last breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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