Special Friends ~(^_^)~

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This Last Chapter is to Acknowledge the special readers who found a favourite character

First Up

Chisa95 A shout out from Juni.

Juni: Hello Chisa95, i was told you're bestfriends with my writer, thank you for your votes and comments and i love you too [hug and kiss] hope i see you on many of my other journeys. And it is offical, i am the Son of Tadashi. 

Call-me-your-sama A shout out from Kiri.

Kiri: Yay!!! somebody loves me!! i told you guys i'm the favourite here!! So Zola, awesome to have you, i like you back [big hug] how'd you like my adventure, awesome right!!! and i'm super happy that you liked it Laters. [kiss on the cheeks]

Luce0126 A shout out from Hei.

Hei: Hey..watsup, see you've really got into reading this stupid adventure of Kiri's well i'm gald i was in it i get to meet you. So i hope i meet you again after this, we could a.....beat the crap outa Kiri [Laughs High Five]

Luna-tic_Eclipse A shout out from Koko

Koko: HI!!!>.< awesome to have you for the time we had. Thank you so much for your votes espeacially!!! >///< i'm so happy.....i hope you like my brother Hei, big brother is awesome. I'm glad you you followed our adventure, i wove you.

Spirit_of_Death A shout out from Oda

Oda: Suuup, awesome man.. it was a crazy time, i must highlight that Kiri's stupidity makes for great comedy but you get that don't you. Well thats all from me man see ya around. I might have my own adventure way better.

Luce0126 A shout out from Ryu

Ryu: we had such a short time..but i've got Hei FOREVER!! [hugs Hei] don't touch my Hei, he's Naaaaaaaaaaat yours. MINES!!!! totally lovin that you love me, check out my next adventure, "Naked Hei" T^T when Hei Let me see him naked. Lov YA!!

Chisa95 A shout out from Kego

Kego: Hello!!! extremely awesome person, wanna go out a a date some time. I'm a good.....hugger. AWESOMESOURCE!!! I will see you again i my dreams...dreams of Kego and the pretty Chisa95..note i'm not as stupid as Kiri i'm way smart.

Call-me-your-sama A shout out from Juni

Juni: hmmm i do have one more that seem to love me. Hello Zola, thank you for your love, but i've fallen for Chisa95....even though if you don't mind just between us i can share, sh edon't have to know...she gets jealous too fast. Okay thnk you [whispers] i'll see you later on.

Chisa95 A shout out from Kiri

Kiri: T^T i'm in tears somebody else loves me, thank you thank you, your awesome. [hugs tightly] your totally amazing i love you back. [cries like a baby] somebody loves me.

Luce0126 A shout out from Kiri

Kiri: AHHHHH!!!! no way!! three peole loves me!! i WIn, i have the most likes here =P suckers!!!! [blows a kiss] I'M LOVED !!! [faints]

Okay guys i hope you like your shout outs. this is the final part of Adventure of the Misfits and i hope you guys laughed all the way. 

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