Chapter 3: Fear the Darkness

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Rachel walks down the walkway, away from Jake's grave. The sun slowly going down behind her, her dark brown hair flying in her face in the wind. She wears tight blue jeans, a black Nickelback tee shirt and a black sweater. 

A few tears roll down her face, remembering what happened that night. Voices are heard off in the distance, an owl hoots somewhere behind her. Pain and anger swells up inside her, as the young woman travels down the sidewalk in the dark.

A streetlight flickers as she walks past it, she ignores it, walking through the small town still wearing her Wal-Mart uniform. That's when she see's it, something comes out from behind a tree right in front of her in the darkness. Something wearing a hooded sweater, and something long in it's right hand. Her eyes widen with fear of the unpredictable.

"Watch it ma'am" an elderly man almost runs into her as she turned around.

"Sorry" she tells him, turning back but the hooded figure is gone. 

She continues down the walkway then crosses the street, she quickly stops in her tracks as a fast car runs right past her, a man yells out the driver's side window.

"Watch it, bitch" the man yells.

Rachel just shakes her head, rolling her eyes as he walks down the backstreets, trying to find her apartment in the darkness. She turns right, down a dark alleyway as she closes her eyes for a few second, trying to put out the her negative thoughts. She opens her eyes again, only to see some shadowy figure up ahead, the same one she saw moments ago. She just stares at it, the thing takes a step closer, then she just backs up abit, not taking her eyes from the thing.

"What do you want?" She yells at it.

The shadowy figure points at her, then she turns around and starts running out of the alleyway. Scared and confused as to what he wants, she turns left down 'Smiths Street', halfway home as she follows the dark road.

"Hey honey, wanna hop on my disco stick?" Some mexican guy coming out of a grocery store yells at her, the man smiles her way, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Fuck you" she yells at him, continuing on her way.

She hears a scream right behind her, and stops in her tracks, taking deep breaths as she slowly turns her head, and almost screams at the scene she see's right in front of her.

The mexican guy lays on a hood of a car, no arms, and nothing on his shoulders. The body just lays there, the head rolls off the hood. And what stands right over the body frightens her almost to death, that same figure in a hood carrying what looks to be a scythe. The thing turns her way slowly, and smiles at her, the man's face almost a skull, has some skin on it. Looks young, but with no eyeballs and some hair on his chin.

"Oh my god" she covers her mouth, quickly turning around and running off again, knowing whatever she does, she cannot seem to run away from the thing, or man, or monster.

She runs, then all of a sudden she trips over someone's scooter on the ground, he holds onto her knee, feeling the pain in her right leg, crying out. She quickly looks behind her, then almost faints at what she see's.

The figure stands right above her, the scythe in his right hand. The smile still over his face as he looks her up and down, as if he were checking her out. He raises his scythe at that moment, nowhere to hide, nowhere to run.

She screams as she watches this happen, then watches as the sythe is being brought down right at her face, she closes her eyes waiting for the end to come, waiting to feel the pain of being murdered, the pain of being dead.

He stops the scythe right before it hits her face, and instead, drives the butt of the scythe right into the side of her skull, knocking her out from the impact. The figure in the hood puts the sythe over his shoulder, another idea in mind.

The shadowy figure grabs her skinny body, throwing her over his shoulder and walks off with her into the darkest night, little blood coming from her head from the butt of the scythe. The figure seems to disappear into the night with her, fog surrounding them. 

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