1. Semi Eita x Reader

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7 and 8 years old

"Catch me if you can!!"
"Oh I will!"

The two grew up together.

10 and 11 years old

"Wow you're so smart (F/N)."
"Just study a lot and you'll get there Semi. It's just simple math."

11 and 12 years old

"Hey (F/N)?"
"Yeah Eita?"
"Do you think we'll be friends forever?"
"Of course Eita. No matter what happens we'll be friends.

12 and 13 years old

But all good things come to an end.

"Eita I'm moving."
"What?! why!?"
"My parents are getting divorced."
"Why can't you stay here?!"
"Because my Dad won custody of me. We're moving to America."
"Then what'll happen to us?"
"Eita I'll never forget you. Here take this."

You took off your necklace and gave it to him. It was a ring that your grandparents gave to you when you were little and you kept it on since their death.

"(F/N)... I'll never forget you either!"
"One day we'll meet again Eita. I promise."

Semi hugged you tightly knowing this would be the last time he saw you. You hugged him back and the two of you cried silently.

17 and 18 years old

Or do they?

You had moved back to Japan and were attending Nekoma high. You became great friends with Yaku within a year leading you to become the manager of the volleyball team. You were a second year and helped keep him sane when the team was a disaster.

You had an upcoming match again Shiratorizawa and your team was hyped for it. They were bouncing everywhere because they knew they were going against a worthy opponent. You, on the other hand, was just trying to get them to change into their uniforms. You would occasionally curse in English and speak the language without realizing it since it was so normal for you, but you knew Japanese as well. You went into the storage room to get the net and the balls so the boys could warm up. You were wearing red sweatpants with the school name going down your thighs and your jacket wrapped around your waist.

"Yes Lev?"
"Have you seen my jersey?"
"Don't tell me you lost it."
"Uhh maybe...?"
"Where was the last place you saw it?"
"In the changeroom."
"Go get it then."
"But I need to warm up with the others! Could you go get it please"
"Alright fine. But you owe me one!"

You headed over to the boy's changeroom holding your clipboard over your shoulder and walked in. And surprise surprise the Shiratorizawa boys were chasing into their jersey uniforms. You stood there for a bit in shock but went back to looking for Lev's jersey ignoring the flustered boys.

"I believe you are not male."
"No shit Ushijima. I mean look at her! She has boobs!"
"H-Hey! What are you doing in here?!"
"Finding a jersey."

You spotted Lev's jersey and held the clipboard over your eyes walking over to it. You've done this so many times that you knew your way in and out of the school. Ignoring the stares you were receiving you walked out and threw Lev's Jersey at him.

"Found it."
"Thank you so much (L/N)-senpai!!!"
"Yeah yeah now get back to warming up."

You went back to filling in forms for an upcoming training camp.

"What is it Kuroo?"
"Did you just walk into the boys change room?"
"That's sick dude."
"What? It's not like you wouldn't have done that either."
"True, true."


The match had started and you were busy taking notes on all of the players. You took note of your team's performance and you took note of the other team's weaknesses but they didn't seem to have any that were of use. You only paid attention to the players on court though. Not once did you look at the benched players.

But they noticed you.

Semi Eita especially. He had been staring at you since he saw you. He wanted to speak with you face to face but you had been so preoccupied with things and he didn't want to interrupt you. You were the same girl he grew up with he was positive! After hearing your team call you by your name he was 99% sure. But he needed something else to make the 1%. The necklace you gave him was still around his neck. He never took it off. He needed to make sure you recognized the necklace. Because your last and first name weren't that unusual. They weren't common either.

Anyone could've been named (F/N) (L/N). But only one could make him feel like he was free whenever he was with them. He had told Ushijima, Kawanishi, and Soekawa, of this only. They all supported him and when he told them he had a strong suspicion that the girl who walked into a men's change room was you, the girl he's been muttering to himself about they were encouraging but a bit freaked out.

Shiratorizawa had won. After the game was over everyone got changed and the teams talked with one another. This was his chance. You were speaking with Yaku about the game holding a clipboard. After Kuroo had dragged Yaku to talk with Kenma about some plans he took his chance. He walked up to you.

"Hey! By any chance is your name (F/N) (L/N)?"

This got your attention as well as everyone else's.

"Yes that's me."
"Do you remember me?"
"I.. don't. Who are you?"

He took the necklace off and held it in front of you. You recognized this ring anywhere. It was custom made for your grandparent's wedding. He took your hand and placed it in your palm.

"Now do you remember?"
"You're Eita... You're Eita!"

You dropped your clipboard and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back tightly.

"I can't believe I forgot you!"
"And you promised you wouldn't forget me. I feel hurt (F/N)."
"Hey at least I kept the other half of it! I gave you something to remember me by too! You didn't."
"Well what would I have given you during that moment huh?"
"Shut up. I missed you."
"I missed you too (F/N)."


Well, there's the first one. Hope you enjoyed it. Comment down below about anything and vote. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

- Cerulean セルリアン

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