Prologue - We will meet again I promise.

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Everything they'd ever worked for was shattered with a single shot that rang out above everything. Gilbert's red eyes now matched the blood stain that was growing on his uniform. His brother let out a scream but it fell on deaf ears as Gilbert couldn't even focus what with all his panic. With a cry of confusion Gilbert fell to his knees, the pain was tearing, ricocheting in rough waves throughout his nerves.

This war was far from over for the world aside from himself, Ludwig tried so hard to reach Gilbert but many things obstructed his path and made his mission impossible. Matthew didn't have a path that was blocked though, he rushed over to the albino, dodging several things that came his way. Gilbert and Matthew were both crying but more tears resided in Matthew's eyes as he dropped next to the man who was quickly dying. "No.. You can't die.. Gil please..!"

The war still raged on around them, loud, and terrifying, but for them time stood still and none of that was noticed anymore. "Birdie, I can't.. I can't breath anymore." Matthew's heart was breaking even further and his tears ran down his cheeks, his sobs made no noise though.

"Your.. Your the only one who noticed me.. for me! I.. I've.. I still need you!!" he screamed.

Gilbert's face also insisted that his heart was breaking as well. Blood still poured from the wound on his chest that he had suffered, Matthew pulled him close and picked him up. Gilbert was doing his best to help but Matthew was capable.

Matthew held the other and started to make his way to the medical tent on the side of the battle field, obstructions or not Matthew was determined to save Gilbert.

"I.. I love you birdie.. I'll always.. Remember you.." Gilbert said though it was a struggle to form the words. "Don't say it like that! Your.. You're.. Going to live.!.. I love you too.."

Matthew said hauling the other just a few more feet waiting between him and the medic tent. Shots still rang out loudly on the battlefield, unfortunately as bullets came their way, Matthew and Gilbert realized that they weren't excused from the war just because Gilbert was dying. Gilbert threw himself out of his protectors arms in a desperate attempt to save the him.

"No! No!!! No God why!??!" Matthew screamed falling to his knees once more by the dead man. He cried until the war had ended. This relationship had always been built on love, loyalty, trust, and selflessness

and this was proven true until the last moment they held together.

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