Nobody Knows His Name

Start from the beginning

After saying all that she launched herself a great distance towards the other side and then it was followed by everyone else becoming more pumped up to finish

With Y/N



"told ya"

???: "How were you even able to get us through that!"

"luck i guess,huh"

When Y/N got to the second obstacle he saw a bunch of tightropes and people carefully going on them

???: "Uh hey you can put me down now"

"oh sorry i forgot"

???: "Thanks again for your help i doubt without you i wouldn't even make it near last place"

"don't mention it now what are you waiting for go for first"

???: "R-Right thanks again!"

Now Y/N was by himself again with not much else to he decided to go on the rope

"is this thing even stable enough for more then one person"

He then kicked the rope a bit and it started to wiggle uncontrollably

"okay maybe that was just from me but still"

As Y/N got on it he heard a quick yelp and when he looked over and saw a girl with big green hair about to fall over

???: "No, no, no, no!"

When it looked like it was hopeless for her she suddenly felt a gust of wind and when she opened her eyes she was on the next platform

???: "W-What"

"hey are you okay"

???: "Huh"

When the girl looked over to where the voice came from she saw someone with a casual and somewhat bored expression

???: "Y-Yeah"

"that's good be careful now this looks like a big drop, see ya"

Before the girl could question him any longer he was gone and she tried looking around for him but instead saw

"W-Whoa i thought for sure i was going to fall" "How did i get here i was just falling for a second there" "I-I made it how" "Holy hell did luck suddenly decide to bless me or something i thought for sure i was going to fall"

A bunch of people getting onto the next platform or re balanced onto the rope or just put back on

???: "Did he just..?"

Present Mic: "Todoroki has made it to the final barrier!!"

???: "I need to refocus!"


Student: "Agh!"


Student 2: "D-Damn it"

"a minefield isn't that a bit much doesn't matter it seems like todoroki is going to make it first"



When Y/N looked besides him he saw Bakugo use his quirk to propel himself towards Todoroki

"or maybe he won't"

'i could just walk through everything but then the explosions might injure somebody even if they aren't fully armed and i can't just jump over where's the fun in that i guess i could just take my time before the last person makes it to the finish line then i rush towards the finish line'

Plus Ultra....I guess (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now