A fannfic story

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Alex POV

It was the first day of middle school
Since I never had friends because I am a nerd...
I woke up this morning with corl waking me up "Corl go!!!" "Bro we need to go to school.."
I put on a shirt and a galaxy jacket and some jeans. Grabbed my phone off the charger and grabbed my backpack and left with corl
We got there and we found our lockers
"2745" I said under my breath
Everyone was doing Fortnite dances while there were a few kids not even knowing what Fortnite even is
I went up to them
"Hello" I said
"Hai!" The dude with the blue shirt said
"Hi" the dude with the green shirt said
There was a girl that looked like me
"Hi my name is Danny" the girl said
"This is Denis"  she pointed at the dude with the blue shirt
"He is... Sub" she pointed at the dude with the green shirt
"And this is Sketch" she pointed at the dude with the orange jacket


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