Chapter Eight: Smirks, Timers and High Powered Pogo Sticks

Start from the beginning

"No. That's out of the question." Aubreys small smile turned into a wide grin.

"What ever you say, Agent Booth."
"Booth, Aubrey. I have something." The sound of heels and Angela calling stopped Booth from saying anymore to Aubrey. Both men were up and out of the room, chasing after Angela as she led them back to her office.

Hannah was wheezing as she stood in the balcony of the building the Grave Digger had stranded her in. It was in the middle of metropolis and if she could get someone's attention, she could get out.
But only if that someone was in a low flying plane or a high-bouncing pogo stick.

She knew her hours were numbered. The more she had fought to get through doors and at one point, a wall (which had left her with the image of a cartoon character trying to bust through a wall), the more exhausted she became.

Her broken ankle (if it wasn't broken before, it definitely was now.  Accidentally falling through a hole in the ground between the 37th and 36th floor had been an interesting, yet ankle snapping experience) was beginning to bleed through the wrapping she had made to put around it and all in all, Hannah felt like a giant bruise. Her hair was tied into a knot that no one would ever be able to undo and she had a large cut on her forehead that was sure to scar.

And she still had twenty floors to go to get out. But if anything, Hannah realised it was going to get harder. She wished she had stayed at that top and tried to disarm the bomb and make a Morse code device. That would've helped her some but it was too late now. There was only one way to go and that was down.

She limped painfully inside, her lungs aching.

"Why. Why me? Why this? Why my foot?" She grumbled. She needed to sit down but she was racing against the clock. She needed to figure out how to get down the to 19th floor so that she could get to the balcony and wave down help. Again. Not that it was working but with every balcony came more hope.

Hannah leaned against the wall and stared at the white plaster. Her eyes were so sore. So, very heavy. Her head was also beginning to feel a bit woozy as well. The world began to spin. She grabbed onto the wall and shook her head but it only made it worse.

Little did she know but from the corner of the room she was in was a small, electronically activated, spray container that emitted a low dose of chloroform into the air. Only enough to knock a small person out. Heather Taffet was watching Hannah, was watching with much delight. The crazed woman watched as she fell to the ground, becoming completely unaware of her surroundings.

Taffet was well aware of the timer ticking down. She knew the team was working to find Hannah. They hadn't paid the ransom yet, which was seriously peeing on her battery but she had hopes. Grabbing her advil that was on her desk, she gulped it down with some water and let out a shaky breath.

Hannah Price had delt her some major injuries, none that she could walk into the hospital with and explain. Her thumb was broken, mainly her own fault for a misjudgement in thumb placement, her elbow fractured and ribs cracked all along her right side. Breathing was problematic but it wasn't something she hadn't dealt with before. She still had a job to do.

Picking up her briefcase, she stood and smoothed her skirt out and smiled. It was too easy. Now, it was time to pull a new one over the heads of the Jeffersonian team. It was time to watch them burn.


"Hey, this is Hannah! Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Booth listened to the sound of Hannah's chirpy voice for the sixth time before he decided to actually say something.

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