Thank you (Author Note)

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I just wanted to say thank you very much for taking the time to read my story!  It means a lot to me as I am an aspiring author.  I hope you enjoyed my story as it took approximately a month and a half to write and edit so I could load it on here, so again, it means a lot to me that you read it. 

The creepy aspects of this are inspired by real-life ouija board stories I have read about as most people in my personal life share my belief on not using them.  That being said, if you used one in the past and had an experience, I'd be interested to know.   Again, however, I am not encouraging the use of them, but I like hearing people's stories of using them if that makes sense haha.    My stories are mostly inspired by personal experience, hearing that of others or searching online for people's own stories, as well as folklore from almost every culture.  

Also, I do plan to release more work on this account and I'm happy to chat with people in the comments section.  Have a good day/night and thanks again for reading!!  <3

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