"You've brought that up before." Tom shifted to face her more. "He used your insecurity against you."

Ava nodded slowly. "I've never felt like I belong in Slytherin. But having someone else say it makes it worse." She moved her hands to hug her knees closer. "I know I'm the odd one out, I don't need someone else to tell me that."

Tom instinctively reached a hand out when he noticed a piece of her hair catch on her eye, but lowered it quickly. "You're not that out of place."

"Really? My mum was in Slytherin." Ava breathed out a humorless laugh. "I'm a lot like her and even she's more of a Slytherin than I am."

"Does she come from a Slytherin family?"

Ava licked her lip and quirked her mouth. "Not really. The Lockwins, her family, were mostly Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. There were a few Slytherins besides her as well." She smiled to herself, "my dad's side is mostly Ravenclaw or Gryffindor."

Tom smirked amused. "That would explain your brother and sister."

"Their placement makes complete sense," Ava said with a genuine laugh. She sighed, becoming serious again. "My troubles with where I was sorted doesn't matter anyways. I've managed and in a few months we'll be graduated."

"I think you fit in more than you think." Tom started fidgeting with his robe sleeve. "Do you think he'll be a problem?"

Ava brought her attention to Tom, "Rowan?" When Tom nodded, she shook her head slightly. "He's all talk. I don't think he'll be anything to worry about."

Tom was slightly relieved at that, but still held doubt. He didn't trust that boy. But instead of mentioning it further he decided to bring up the more pressing issue. "While we're here, I'll apologize for how I've treated you."

"For what it's worth, I am sorry too." Ava gave him a soft smile. "I should have told you."

Tom shrugged her off. "You were right, I enjoyed the day until I realized they were there." He stretched out his legs and avoided looking at her. "I apologize for snapping at you this morning. I haven't quite been sleeping well."

"I thought you said that was getting better?"

"It was," Tom said quickly. "There's just been an issue with dreams recently."

Ava gave him a concerned look. "What kind of dreams?"

Tom opened his mouth to tell her about what he assumed were memories from Voldemort. But he stopped himself. He didn't want to scare her. "Odd ones. Some memories and others are just strange, they don't make sense." That wasn't a lie either, as he didn't understand the dreams.

"Is there anything I could do?"

"No," Tom said softly. "It's nothing to worry about. I'm sure they'll pass." He realized it was starting to get dark then. "We should go in."

Ava nodded in agreement as Tom stood up. Just as she was about to stand, he held out his hand to help her up. They shared a look before letting go and walking back to the castle. They both felt content now that the tension between them was momentarily settled.



Hogwarts was buzzing with excitement as the students prepared for the first quidditch match of the season. The weather had taken a frigid turn by the second week of the month. The graying skies were a sign that snow was coming soon. But the students would have to brave the cold to watch Slytherin and Gryffindor face off.

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