Insecure Much? (Part 14)

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I will have to speak to Kunal about this...but then what if he leaves me after realising that Mauli has given birth to his child...


Hi guys, I am not the original creator of the account. I am a friend of hers. I logged in after a long time and there were an overwhelming amount of notifications, it will take me some time to go through all of them. So please be patient. Unfortunately the original creator of the account will not be able to return due to unforeseen circumstances. She has had a lot going on for the past 8 months.

Nandini stood amidst her thoughts, thoroughly confused as to what move she should make next. While she was confident about the child theory a doubt still loomed in the back of her mind. At the end of the day it is an assumption. Puzzle pieces that she had put together, that had surprisingly seemed to fit. 

She did not want to jump to conclusions so she decided to wait, wait till she learns more about this situation, wait till she understands what is going on, wait till things seem clearer. Waiting it is! making her mind up she decided to drop the topic for now, walking back to her and Kunal's tent. 

On the other hand Nandini's words had wrecked havoc in Mauli's mind. She was berating her self. Did she amidst emotions give away too much. Had she let too much slip? Had she betrayed the very secret she had sworn to keep safe?

She had to speak to Kunal before Nandini decided to spill something. Mauli quickly winded her work with the patient and headed to the tent Kunal was working in.

Mauli - Kunal...

Kunal turned around to see Mauli standing, her expressions tired and a hint of urgency in her tone. 

Kunal - Kya hua?

Mauli - I need to talk to you

Kunal - Me?

Mauli nodded as she took his hand and led him outside. Kunal was taken aback, Mauli after they had met, never wanted to talk to him if it was not work related then what had changed now?

Kunal - Is everything fine? 

Mauli - Kunal, do I interfere in your life?

Kunal - What kind of question is this?

Mauli - Just answer

Kunal- No

Mauli - Then why does Nandini keep interfering in mine? I have told her repeatedly to back the hell off, yet she never listens. I am telling you so you can explain to her. She or you are no longer part of my life and I do not appreciate her butting in. I am done with her and her conspiracy theories

Kunal- Conspiracy theories?

Mauli - Oh so she didn't tell you? Ask her, you'll know

With that Mauli walks off to get back to work, her mind more at peace. On the other hand Kunal was baffled or rather enraged. Just yesterday they had agreed to stay away from Mauli.  Then why? why was Nandini doing this?

Kunal excused himself and walks towards his tent. He finds Nandini sitting on the chair reading a book. His anger melts a little as he watches her silently reading her book from the door way. This woman had faced so much in her life and yet she found joys in the littlest of things. No human being deserves to be treated the way she was, his heart went out to her when her first met her. 

A smile crept onto Kunal's face as he watches her tuck loose strand of her hair behind her ear. So beautiful, so kind, Nandini was a beautiful soul. 

He was snapped out of his thoughts as Mauli's words echoed in his mind. 

Kunal - Nandini 

he calls out to her. Hearing his name she looks up. She had become so engrossed in her book that she never realised he was standing there. 

Nandini - Kunal!

Kunal walks towards her as Nandini closes her book and puts it down on the table beside her. 

Kunal- Tumne Mauli se kya kahaan?

The serious tone takes Nandini aback. 

Kunal- Don't look at me like that, my question is very simple. What did you talk to Mauli about!

Nandini stood up

Nandini- Aap humse aise baat kyu kar rahe hai?

Kunal - What else should I do? When we decided that we will leave Mauli on her own, why did you go to her? That too without telling me!

Nandini - Sorry Kunal, it was a spontaneous decision. I know humne decide kiya tha. B..Bu..But why are you upset. 

Kunal - Mauli ayi thi mere paas. Saying that tum usse apne conspiracy theories ke saath pareshaan kar rahi ho. Nandini...

he held her shoulders

Kunal - what did you say to her?

Nandini - Kunal, I didn't want to tell you without proof but...


Hi! I hope you read the note that is in the beginning of the update. This was already half written by the original handler of the account so I just finished it and posted it. Bad news is that I have not watched the show. I just read the FF so far and tried to continue the chapter! I am so sorry if it is not very good. Also since I don't know much about the plot I am forced to discontinue this story. This was the last update. Once again I am very sorry!

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