" Because I needed to think "

" About "

" What you three are hiding from me"

Morgan stood there for a second not saying anything

" That's What I thought "

" Harper Listen "

" No Morgan you Listen I don't like not being told what's going on , If you and your Brothers Can't trust me then this isn't going to work "

My phone went off with a text I looked at it

Hey Girlfriend I need to tell you that Marcus and I ended our relationship

What why

Because I caught him with another girl

What , Where are you now

At home

Come here I made a cake we can trash him while we eat it

Be there in ten

" That son of bitch "

I Called Jacks

Hey Harper what's up

Melody caught Marcus with another girl


Yeah she did

Where is she is she okay

She's headed here for cake and man bashing time

Alright I'll be over in an hour or so

Okay see you then

I hung up the phone and grinned

" What's that smile for "

"Oh nothing "

" Bambino "

" Okay if I tell you , You can not say anything to Jacks or Grey "

" Alright "

" Okay about two years ago I over heard Jacks an Grey talking about Melody, she was at the time Dating some one and They didn't like him so they kinda ran the guy off , it seems those two have a thing for her "

" You serious"

" As  Your Daddy Luke loves Chocolate, I can guarantee that both Jacks and Grey will show up tonight to console her "

"What's going on " Mason asked as he came into the kitchen

" Well Two things, Harper wants to know what we are hiding from her and the second thing is Melody caught Marcus with another girl and oh Jacks and Grey have a thing for her "

Mason looked at Morgan then at Harper but didn't Denied what I said

I growled grabbed my phone and then went to leave the kitchen
Before I could make it out Sammy stopped me

" Harper I know you feel like we aren't sharing everything with you but You Have to believe that We love you "

" Yeah you may love me but obviously you don't trust me " I said as I got past him

" When the timer goes off pull the cakes out and put on the counter I'll be in my room And No don't any of you come "

I left them standing there my anger was raising it was best I leave the room.

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu