She said the word hesitantly as she glanced at the Doctor, and Terry said with delightful nonchalance: "Oh, seriously, don't mind my boyfriend."

Terry could physically feel the Doctor puff up proudly at her words, but he deflated as she continued: "He's a bit of an idiot."

"Oi." The Doctor complained, but Terry just gave him a smirk before turning to the rat-like man as she noted: "Also, judging by the almost unreasonable compulsion to surrender," she nodded at the man's white flag, "I'm assuming you're from Tivoli."

"Yes." The alien, Gibbis, agreed calmly. "The most invaded planet in the galaxy. Our anthem is called 'Glory To: Insert Name Here'."

Terry grinned, while the Doctor joined in as he looked at the human male: "You with the face, Howie, you said you were surprised to be back in reception."

"The walls move." Howie explained, pushing his glasses up on his nose in a nervous gesture. "Everything changes."

The Doctor frowned, and he asked: "You, clever one. What's he talking about?"

"The corridors twist and stretch." Rita explained while the Doctor turned and walked off to the side. "Rooms vanish and pop up somewhere else. It's like the hotel's alive."

The Doctor leaned in to a small radio sitting on the hotel reception desk, switching it off as he murmured: "That's quite enough of that."

"Yeah, and it's huge," Howie interjected, "with, like, no way out."

"Have you tried the front door?" Rory asked, pointing to the door in question, and Terry smiled when Rita deadpanned: "No. In two days it never occurred to us to try the front door. Thank God you're here."

Amy laughed, before quickly stopping as Rory gave her a look, while the Doctor pulled open the hotel's front doors... to reveal a blank wall.

"They're not doors, they're walls." The Doctor mused, and Terry snorted. "Walls that look like doors. Door-walls, if you like, or dwalls. Woors even, though you'd probably got it when you said they're not doors."

"Probably." Terry said lightly, and the Doctor shushed: "Hush, you clever girl. Now, I mean, the windows are-"

He rushed over to the curtains, flinging them open to reveal... more bricks.

"Right," the Doctor announced as he turned around and faced them all again, "big day if you're a fan of walls."

Rory groaned, while Rita interjected: "It's not just that. The rooms have..." she took a deep breath, "things in them."

The Doctor looked over, repeating: "'Things'? Hello! What kind of things? Interesting things? I love things, ask anyone, but not Terry. If you ask her, I love her."

"Moving on." Terry said, raising a brow, as Rita bowed her head, too worried to be amused.

She exchanged looks with her companions, before she explained cryptically: "Bad dreams."

You could almost feel the heavy, ominous weight that her words brought on everyone, Rory and Amy included, and the Doctor raised his brows before he commented: "Well, that killed the mood."

"I think only you were in the mood, Doctor." Terry noted, and he returned: "I'm always in the mood when you're around my angel."

"Ugh, please, no." Rory groaned. "No more sex references, that's what we agreed."

'"I think you just made it a sex reference, Rory." Amy commented, noting the way Terry's eyebrows has shot up while the Doctor winced.

Rory blinked and he muttered: "Oh..."

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