"Dammit you two." I huffed walking towards them and into the tunnel.

"yAaay! Mommy is coming!" Hunter said, dimples popping. "you said a bad word, but it's okay becwas you're coming." He then lead the way through the horrific tunnel.

After the very horrifying tunnel, we kept strolling around the aquarium.

"Niall called. Just checked up." Ashton said as we looked at the jellyfish. W stood next to each other, bug in the middle of us holding Ashton's left hand and my right one. "We FaceTimed actually,"

"Yup, uncle Niall show me how he play his gwuitar. He said he show me to play like him" hunter said looking up at me. "He said we should go see him and then we have a boys night out" bug said while letting go of our hands to make his little fists for the last part.

Ashton chuckled at him then looked at me, "do you think we should go, since you're back. For the week?" He said.

"Where is he at right now?" I asked him.

"Lake Tahoe, he said he'd rent a cabin for us. It'd be fun" He shrugged. "There's snow still, bug will have fun."

Hunter had gone to the glass of the stingrays. I walked over to him.
"Baby, do you wanna go to uncle Niall's for a week? Va ver nieve !" He turned his head like a flash and started jumping.

"Si si si ! I never been to snow in my whooole life" He said spreading his arms out to enunciate his words, then clapping his hands together. Well, you've only been alive for four years buddy. I laughed at my baby.

Ashton spoke from behind me. "Alright kiddo, vamos a el nevada !" in his bad spanish. I snorted and turned to him "No hables español, practice first, you sound horrible."


We got home after stopping for ice cream, I had to carry hunter to our room since he had fallen asleep in the car. I layed him down on our bed and took of his shoes, covered him with his favorite blanket, then i sat on our bed next to him. I admired his little face. His slightly light skin- even though mine was fairly tanned- and long curly eyelashes like mine, his curly brown hair that was like his dads.

I looked at my son. The one that I raised. And I found so much of harry. His nose, his hair, his dimple, his eyes. But I also saw myself in him too. His lips, his eyelashes, his character, his spanish.

A sad smile placed itself on my face. I kissed his forehead, got up and grabbed my phone, pairing it to our small Bluetooth speaker to play some soft piano for him. He loves music, and Mozart makes kids smart. What can I say, I'm a mother.

I chuckled to myself. And turned the knob to the door.

"Mommy?" I heard his small voice call

"Yes baby?"

"Can you take a nap with me, and cuddle ?" his locks popped up from under his blanket. I nodded and called out to Ashton.

"WE'RE TAKING A NAP, DON't BOTHeR US !" then I went and layed down on our bed. He slept on the right side, funny because harry would sleep on that side too. I pushed harry out of my head and brought my little boy closer to me.

He rested his head on my chest and I ran my hands through his soft hair until I heard his breathing slow and his body relax into mine. Then I fell asleep too.

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