"Do we-?" The Doctor began quietly, but he cut himself off immediately as Terry glanced at him.

His curiosity had gotten the better of him in the moment, and he'd almost asked a question he knew she must never answer. A question about his future. She stared at him before she finally said: "Rose doesn't die, Doctor."

He raised a brow, but didn't press any further; instead, he nodded and went back to his work at the machine he was building while Terry stood for a moment staring back at the place the Tardis had been just moments before. She couldn't tell the Doctor, but she'd hoped so badly that she could prevent Rose from taking the Tardis's Time Vortex inside her body when she attempted to get back to the Doctor.

But it wasn't meant to be, clearly, and Terry shook her head before glancing over as Jack's voice called over the comms: "Rose, I've called up the internal laser codes. There should be a different number on every screen. Can you read them out to me?"

Terry came over towards the screen they were using as a communications link, as the Doctor replied flatly: "She's not here."

"Of all the times to take a leak." Jack complained. "When she gets back, tell her to read me the codes- who's that?"

He blinked, startled as the Time Lady appeared in his line of sight on the screen, and he called: "Well, hello, ma'am! Captain-"

"Jack Harkness, I know." Terry cut in, raising a brow. "And you know me, too, Captain."

"I do?" He asked, his own brow rising. "I think I'd remember a lovely lady such as yourself."

"It's Terry Storm, Jack." Terry explained, and Jack's eyes widened in surprise. "I regenerated."

"Terry?" Jack asked, brightening up. "Well, it's certainly been too long! Didn't recognize you." He winked. "Get it?"

"Not now, Jack." Terry sighed. "I mean, it's good to see you too." She admitted. "But... this isn't exactly the best time."

"Yeah, things are looking a little bleak." Jack agreed as he glanced around. "But, can't give up hope right?"

"Yeah..." Terry said, glancing down at the Doctor who'd just silently been working beside her.

"Oh, what's got him grumpy now?" Jack asked impatiently. "Honestly, Doctor, just because Rose stepped out for a bit-"

"She didn't step out." The Doctor snapped, and Jack raised a brow as he demanded: "Then where'd she go?"

"Just get on with your work." The Doctor replied evasively, and Jack realized: "You took her home, didn't you?"

He looked to Terry for confirmation, and she nodded even as the Doctor muttered: "Yeah."

"And you didn't take Terry home?" Jack demanded, outraged, and Terry interjected quickly: "I arrived after he sent Rose home, so don't blame him."

The Doctor glanced at her while Jack took a deep breath before he asked bluntly: "The Delta Wave - is it ever going to be ready?"

The Doctor looked back at his machine evasively, but Terry's eyes widened in terror as the Dalek Emperor appeared on the large screen at the end of the room, saying darkly: "Tell him the truth, Doctor."

The Doctor's jaw set as he also looked up at the screen while the Emperor continued: "There is every possibility the Delta Wave could be complete, but no possibility of refining it. The Delta Wave must kill every living thing in its path, with no distinction between human and Dalek. All things will die by your hand."

The Doctor just stared at the Emperor grimly as Jack stated in a low voice: "Doctor, the range of this transmitter covers the entire Earth."

"You would destroy Daleks and Humans together." The Emperor said scathingly. "If I am God, the creator of all things, then what does that make you, Doctor?"

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