i. winning him over.

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it's 2AM. 2AM and lee minho is currently hopelessly staring at this cute pink plushie that remains separated from him through a dumb glass barrier. prize claw. he always hated it. it took up your time and only made you sad seeing something so lovely slip from your claw. he proceeded to pout, hoping to stare it down until it would feel guilty and clamber out of the machine and into his empty arms.

he needed the doll. so, he did what any other young adult would do in front of temptation; he exchanged money for tokens at a nearby machine. his first go and he exhales in disappointment seeing the cute doll slip from his grasp. he keeps trying, and he's on his last coin, hissing and cursing under his breath when it slips yet again. that stupid mockingly cute smile from the plushie just upsets him. he's about to snap, so he sits down next to the machine and slips his arm up in attempt to grab it. a boy sees him at this hour and minho embarrassingly tries to take it out, wincing when he realizes it's stuck. the boy smiles lovingly at him, walking over and squatting down to meet him at eye level.

"what's the matter, baby?~" he coos, giggling at the situation. minho rolls his eyes at the smart mouth he dares to have. "lee minho's arm is stuck. are you happy now?" the male stupidly grins "yeah." he answers bluntly, upsetting minho at the idea and the fact that he hasn't offered to help. "so can you help me?" the male nods with a soft expression, carefully turning his arm and pulling it out. minho gasps at being freed of the monster that trapped his plush friend. breathing out a very grateful "thank you—"

"you can't win this thing? it's so easy. give me a coin—" minho scoffs at the stranger boasting about a skill he didn't have, looking down at the ground and admitting he no longer had tokens. "i ran out." the stranger somehow looks apologetic at this, taking a token out of his own pocket. "i got this." he reassures, smiling to himself as the countdown for the prize claw game begins.

his tongue sticks in his cheek at this, his skillful hands quirkily moving around the joy stick with focused doe eyes and furrowed brows, currently buried in concentration. dyed blue hair wisps over his icy blue eyes that were most likely contacts. his long earring dangles, occasionally rattling and being tempting for minho to fiddle with; he does. the stranger doesn't mind, loving the warmth of minho's finger that would occasionally graze the lobe of his ear. "you're just like a cat." minho feels offended, a cat??? they're too cute!! he voices his thought. "a cat??? don't compare me to such wonderful babies! you have no idea what you're talking about!"

the stranger's lips quirk into a challenged smirk. "calm down kitty, i'm gonna get you're prize." he looks around the booth, checking the perspective of the claw and then proceeds to nod to himself. "observe baby." he states, clicking the red button on the joystick to lower the claw. his eye contact is unbroken as minho observes how the claw lowers and tightly grips the cute plushie, minho's cat eyes widen at this, lips protruding to make an "0" with his mouth—is this it?? he starts giddily clapping, watching it raise in the air and drop down for him to collect.

"HELL FUCKING YEA!!!!!!!!!!" he screams, overjoyed with the fact that he got the plushie despite his fruitless efforts. the friendly stranger screams back, adding onto the excitement, loving that minho used his volume to express his joy. "WOOHOO!!!!!!"

"I. FUCKING. LOVE. YOU!!!!!! AFSHGAJHN!!" he yells back to keep the energy going. "I LOVE ME TOO!!! HOW THE FUCK DID YOU SCREAM A KEYBOARD SMASH??????" minho giggles loudly, too high off of winning his dumb prize. "I DON'T KNOW!!!"

the strange boy smiles, a gummy smile that makes minho's heart flutter. minho speaks up again. "okay but...oh my god, i love you SO much—thank you!"

the stranger's eyes widen, wanting to challenge minho to see whether he meant it or was of value to invest time in. past experiences kept this stranger on guard, and who could blame him when a stranger seemed to love him? "what's so special about your love?"

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