Ch. 13.1 Rile's Plan Unleashed

Start from the beginning

Gabe looked into the bedroom at Alex. "Don't worry about patrolling. You rest and gain strength. I'll ask Mary to visit with you. We're escorting Dr. Dewey home from night class first."

He picked up his staff and sword, sheathed them, and turned to follow Cale out, and asked, "Aren't you coming, Rile?"

"Mary's out. I'll stay with Alex." He locked gazes with Gabe. He knew his brother wouldn't let his duty to Dr. Dewey slide.

"Have it your way," Gabe said with a shrug.

Rile watched as Gabe left and said, "I always do."  He turned, sourly watched as Alex flipped the covers over her head, and then called her by name.

"Yes, Rile?" Alex sighed, got up, and walked out of the bedroom. 

He noticed that now she always came into the room when any of them called, instead of yelling back like she used to, and this irritated him.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Rile asked.

"Well, I, uh, I didn't feel up to it." Alex watched a spot on the floor.

"Don't feel up to much, do you?" His question was acid.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why do you hate me?" Alex fiddled with the sleeve of her shirt.

"I don't hate you." He took her wrist and pulled her close.

He towered over her and was further irritated that she looked down, instead of gazing up at him like she used to. "I hate what you're pretending to be, what you're hiding behind. The others may like the new meek and mild Alex, but I think it stinks. I remember what you're really like. You're aggressive and tough, a fighter.  Instead you're acting like a victim, whimpering and jumping at shadows, and staying curled up in your bed."

"Rile, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe you do and maybe you don't.  Let's find out." 

He stalked into her bedroom, pulling a mildly protesting Alex behind him.  With his free hand he rummaged through her drawers until he pulled out her black leather pants.

"Put them on," he ordered. "Find a shirt."

"No, please, I don't want—"

"Put it on or I'll put it on you myself."

She took the pants and glanced significantly at her imprisoned wrist. He released it and she pulled a black T-shirt out of the drawer. Then she headed to the bathroom.

"Don't even think of locking yourself in there.  I'll kick the door down," Rile said.


Just when Rile was contemplating such an action, she opened the door and came out, dressed in black.

"Please, Rile, don't make me beg.  Don't make me go out."

"Save it.  I'm already nauseous from how you've been acting.  I'm sure I'll go over the edge if you beg. Now for a trip down memory lane."

He led her out the door but she stayed close to the wall. "What is your problem?" he demanded. "Never mind. This way." He pulled her along again, although he was cautious on the carriage house steps not to yank her off balance.


After a half hour of walking, Rile glaring at her each time she jumped at noises, he asked, "Know where you are?"

"I haven't the slightest idea."

"You wish. Keep going." He pointed up a fire escape ladder. "Recognize it now?"

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