Chapter 11: One Step at a Time

Start from the beginning

"around 11pm. It's a friday night so it may become later that that. why?" i asked her back.

"No boys?" she asked back.

"Mom its not my party. If it is then for sure you wont allow boys. But Glenn's moms' okay inviting all our guy classmates. It's a supervised party Mom, for Christ Sake. Glenn's mom will be home that night." I assured.

"What? Im just asking kiddo. Don't be so defensive." she added.

"I can stay at home if you want. Seriously rather than face your interrogation after." I rolled my eyes.

"You're acting like a baby. Im just kidding. You go and have fun. You're turning 16 soon. Enjoy your last year with your high school friends." she says

"Thats the best thing youve said to me so far you know that?" I sarcastically replied.

"Just dont do something you will regret. Dont break my trust. You know the rules." She reminded.

"Urghh. Here we go again." I rolled my eyes.


It was already 2pm when we got home. It was so traffic in the city and Mom bought some new kitchenwares and rugs so it took us almost all day before we finish shopping. I grabbed my phone and was typing Jo a message when my phone beeped. It's a text from Zen.

Oh my gosh. My heart starts beating fast. I opened the text.

Zen: Hi dear. Just wondering if Neil told you where he went last night? Im sure he's not there but I thought he mightve told you. He didn't came home. He's never done this before.I am very worried. Please lemme know asap when you read this message.

Neil didn't went home after our fight.
Where'd he go?? Holy Crap!
Zen texted me, so thats means Neil hasn't told her about yesterday then?

Initiation Night! Yes! He told me about it last Monday. Hang on. Zen didn't know about that either. She'll be very angry once I tell her. Neil is already mad enough at me. What will I tell Zen?

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What mess did I put myself into? Things are becoming more and more complicated. Im starting to have headache. I text Zen.

Me: Hello Zen. Nope. Haven't seen him for a while now. We haven't talk much either lately. Im very very busy with school and at home. Neil didnt said anything about going out on a friday night. Im sorry I am no help. I'll let you know as soon as he texts me.

After a couple of minutes my phone beeps.

Zen: Its okay dear. I texted Jeaf and found out he's with him. They're on their way home now. Apparently they drank all night. Neil never got drunk. Can you come and visit tomorrow. I have to talk to both of you. I know you guys are going through something that I might be of help.

Me: I'm sorry Zen but I can't. Im coming with my Aunt Fel tomorrow for an event. I already said yes.

Zen: Oh. Thats fine dear. No worries. Next weekend perhaps? You're such a busy girl. I know your relationship with my son is not your priority for now but I wish you can spend some time for him at least once a week? I don't want to pressure you Freya. Im sorry. But eversince you became my son's girlfriend, he changed a lot. He changed for the better and it made me the happiest mom on earth. I know its my fault that I spoiled him but he's a good kid. Just stubborn sometimes but he loves you dear. He loves you so much. Alright I've said too much. Im going to cook something for my boy before he gets home. Don't be a stranger. 😘

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