Chapter Twelve

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                                                                               Chapter Twelve

     They walked up to the house in silence, Emmie glancing back at Alex's car every so often, glad that they had parked far enough away that Alex's struggles couldn't be heard. It was only when they reached Laurens front door that Taiven allowed her to step in front of him, even then he stayed right at her side, and she knew that he was ready to pull her out of harms way at any second. She was wearing Taivens coat, to hide the blood and damage to her own clothes. He was scanning the area around them constantly, his eyes taking in everything, though he looked unbelievably relaxed.

     There was a light on at the front of the house, in what Emmie knew was the living room. Emmie had been to Laurens house on many occasions. She glanced at Taiven, then reached out to ring the doorbell.

     "What are you going to do?" She asked Taiven, suddenly curious. "Are you going to sniff her, or something?"

     Taiven looked down at her, frowning in confusion, then returned to scanning the area as he answered. "I won't need to, female Thiassuns stink, and she might have some Thiassun features."

     Emmie shook her head. "I think I would have noticed if Lauren was covered in fur." She whispered, as she heard footfalls heading towards the front door.

     It was Laurens husband Callum who opened the door, he smiled as he recognized Emmie, then looked up at Taiven.

     "Hi Callum, we're looking for Lauren." Emmie said. "This is a friend of mine, Taiven, he's just giving me a lift." She added, then blushed, wondering why she had told him that.

     Callum glanced between Emmie and Taiven again, then smiled. "Lauren was called back in to work, someone called in sick, so she was asked to cover. Anything I can do to help?"

     Emmie smiled back. "No, it's fine, thanks Cal."

     "No problem," Callum replied.

     "See you soon Cal," Emmie said, turning to leave.

     "You too Em. Taiven, it was nice to meet Emmies new 'friend.' You can only be a huge improvement on Alex, never liked him."

     Emmie stopped in her tracks, turning back to Callum stunned. "I'm still with Alex," she murmured, "Taiven is just a friend."

     Callum looked from Emmie to Taiven again, his mouth falling open. "Oh," he answered, "I just thought, when you blushed, that you and he were 'more' than friends. I thought that was why you were here, to tell Lauren about the new boyfriend."

     "I thought you liked Alex?" Emmie asked, hurt. "Laurens never said you don't like him?"

     "Look . . ." Callum began, before Taiven cut him off.

     "We have to go." Taiven said, taking Emmies hand. "Thank you Callum, you've been very helpful."

     "I don't understand," Emmie said, as Taiven tried to lead her away.

     "It doesn't matter," Taiven replied, "we have to leave."

     "Doesn't matter!" She shouted, as Taiven steered her down the garden path, his hand on her lower back to ease her forward.

     "No, it doesn't," Taiven answered quietly, "we need to find Lauren,"

     "Oh, of course. We mustn't worry about a friend of mine lying to me, not when you have this 'woman' to find."

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