Chapter 2- Mercy between foes

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"So, you and twelve others are stuck in a loop where you are either killed by fourteen and an additional killer, which is a demon-god who was the one who created this game. You all have also been here for quite some time now and no one has fought back without being injured, or dead. The thing that makes no sense is that you all just go out and about with it. Isn't it fucking insane?!" Right now, you are running next to Jake and the three others, which you have discovered that they were called Dwight Fairfield, Claudette Morel and Nea Karlsson. The last generator was finished and all five survivours booked it out of the place they were kept hostage and prisoners for today.

"That's, that's the gist of it sweetheart." Nea casually replied before slowing down to the edge of the forest. Thick trees blocked any pathway and a gigantic wall of fog covered the trees as well. Stopping just at the base of the fog, a weird feeling incased you, as if it was wrong to be going with them. In your eyes, there were several blood marks and spills all over the grass and multiple eyes in the mist boring right into your own. All of them matching the bloody prints dried out in the earth. As everyone started to disappear into the dense fog, you were grounded, almost trapped to were you stood. Your head down and fists shaking, everything started to go blank and red. It was wrong, it was wrong to be here, it was wrong to meet these people. It was wrong to save them.

"You coming, Champion?" Snapping out of the trance you were in, your head quickly snapped up to see Jake giving you a side smile. Returning it, you chuckled. Just then, you realised that you back felt lighter than it was before. Panic swelled into your tired brain as your eyes scanned around yourself before it dawned onto you. 'That psycho must've knocked it off while we fell, I really need to get it back.' A new and nervous chuckled flowed out of your lips as you embarrassingly rubbed the back of your neck. Jake tilted one of his eyebrows at you as you explained that you left something really important to you back at the doors.

Jake just sighed at this and smiled kindly at you before speaking in a knowing matter, "that's okay bud, we'll be just through here so when you're done you can just pass through." Nodding, jake then disappeared into the thicket of trees and mist, leaving you alone to find your devices.

Turning around back to where you had first seen everyone, your mind swirled with emotions and thoughts. "I seriously think that everyone is losing their sanity if they can't see those eyes or the blood splatters, but they might've gotten used to it. Ohhh, why did I have to help, I could've just hiked through and be at the cabin right now and not be covered in blood and grime." Pinching a part of your dirty clothes, you cringed before sighing. "If they've been there for years, just how long am I going to be there." You pondered, just before you knew it, the open doors of trapped hell welcomed your lonesome figure. Bunching your fists together, your guard was now up as your boots crushed wet leaves once again.

Going immediately to the hooks that were in front of the giant tree, your muscles relaxed when you saw your bag safe and sound resting against a tree peacefully. Stepping closer to your bag, you launched yourself backwards when a trap snapped beneath your boot.'The killer was already up? But you literally stabbed him more than five times, right?'

Quickly turning behind you, your eyes were met with the killer you had taken down earlier, weakly resting against a tree clutching one of his stab wounds as the now dried blood was overlapped with new streams. The crimson danced on the surface of the killer as they sparkled like rubies. It looked as if he was in a great deal of pain, but the sheer amount clouded your mind. Fog and mist glazed over your eyes as you were on autopilot. Grabbing the weapon you had dropped before, the bladed end was quietly pointed to him.

The man's breath hitched before turning his head away. If he was going to fail and die now, he wasn't going to watch it happen, especially if it was his own weapon, how ironic would that be. A loud 'THUNK' echoed in his ears as he looked back at the figure that beat him before and left him in this state.

The Forgotten Champion (Dead By Daylight X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя