One of the older teachers tried degrading her for having been a teenage mother and now a single mom, and Natalie wouldn't have minded since she's heard it since the age of fifteen, but then the teacher decided to bad talk Holly, and no one talks bad about her daughter in front of her. Needless to say, she got her respect then, and the rumors that went around school thanks to the students made the teenagers avoid pissing her off.

Unfortunately, there were still teachers that judged her. Mr. Rogers was one of those teachers. The fifty-something, nearing sixty, man didn't hide it, either. As Natalie walked into the auditorium, Mr. Rogers's eyes rolled and he muttered something under his breath. Natalie tried to pay him no mind as she made her way to Aaron Hotchner, but she stopped in her tracks when he spoke loudly.

"A pleasure of you to finally make an appearance, Ms. Dolan." His tone was anything but friendly and teasing.

Not wanting to make a scene in front of the FBI agents (who were now looking at her and Mr. Rogers thanks to the old man himself) and the few students who beat her there, she schooled her expression and gave a smile that looked surprisingly real as she turned to look at him. "Yeah, sorry, I would've been here sooner, but my class is nearly on the other side of campus, as we've talked about together before."

Mr. Roger's jaw clenched and he forced a smile, but it looked more like a grimace. "Of course, I must've forgotten."

"Must have," Natalie mumbled, eyes flicking over to the doors as some students walked in. She smiled as a few waved at her, turning around a second later to finish her walk to Agent Hotcher. She smiled guiltily at him, not paying attention to the few stares from the other agents. "Sorry I didn't get here sooner, Agent Hotchner, as you probably heard its a long walk for me."

He gave her a reassuring smile. "It's no problem, Ms. Dolan, you weren't late," he told her. "These are a few members of my team," he pointed towards the others as he continued, "Agents Derek Morgan, David Rossi and Jennifer Jareau, and Doctor Spencer Reid. Guys, this is Ms. Natalie Dolan, the psychology teacher."

Natalie smiled and greeted them all with handshakes. "It's nice to meet you, I'm glad you could come," she told them.

"Us too," David Rossi said. "I'm looking forward to teaching these kids a few things."

"So am I!"

Agent Rossi chuckled in amusement and Natalie then shook Derek Morgan's hand before going to Jennifer Jareau. The two agents both spoke of how they liked her already, and Agent Morgan even asked about the clearly judgement comment Mr. Rogers sent her way when walking in. The teacher didn't go into detail and simply said they didn't get along well. Then she got to Spencer Reid, and she stuck out her hand go him to shake only for the man to kindly decline it.

"Sorry. It's a germ thing," he told her.

Her eyebrows shot up. "Oh. That's okay. Fist bump instead?"

The doctor gave her a slightly confused look but smiled and chuckled nonetheless, gently hitting his fist with hers. "Do you teach just psychology?" He asked.

She shook her head and turned around, tapping one student on the shoulder who was sitting bear by and handed her the attendance sheet. They knew what do to: put a check by their name to show that they were here. Natalie then turned back around and answered, "Psychology is just an elective here, so it's only one period for all the grades. I teach English for the tenth and eleventh grades, and then history for eleventh graders."

"Oh, so you're smart," Agent Morgan said.

"You kinda have to be smart to get through to teenagers," Natalie said with a sigh, knowing all to well on how tough it was to both teach and take care of one.

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