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It was the dead of midnight. I tip toed through the long hall hearing the buzz of firefly and the snores of the other boys. Coles door was opened. I had to hurry or I would get cold feet and go back to my room pretending I was fine.


With the squeak of a floorboard I froze sweating bullets.

Lloyd was sleep walking again. Oh screw it my footsteps like thunder as they hit the floorboards. I ran out the door in a hurry, racing through the cold Night. Someone was yelling but I didn't look back. The cold nipping at my nose. "The cold doesn't bother me anyway." I muttered racing toward the cliff.

"ZANE!" Cole screamed my name as my toes dug into the soil he te tried grabbing me but it was too late.

I junped into the air as if slow motion. And began falling.... Falling... Falling...

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