Chapter 1 - No last name?

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"idina come on!" clara called up the stairs, not particularly wanting her to be late on the first day of school.

"yeah I'm coming! where's my bracelet?" she heard the girl yell back. clara reached her hand into her coat pocket and pulled out the gold bracelet she was looking for.

idina came bounding down the steps, almost tripping over gravity. clara held out her hand as she took the gold charm from her small hands. "thank you." she smiled.

"right, have you got everything?" clara checked. she watched her think for a moment before nodding slightly.

"actually no." she shouted as she ran back up the stairs, almost making them collapse with force.

she came back down a few moments later, with her coat in hand.

"let's go." idina joked in a bad american accent, making clara laugh.

- - -

"hiya clara," came a cheerful voice, that clara knew belonged to penelope hansen.

she turned to face her gossip buddy and decided to spend the first 10 minutes of the day catching up with all the other teachers before the bell.

"how's idina? i haven't seen her in forever. i bet she's shot up?" adrien asked clara just as harry stainton, the headteacher of coal hill walked through the door with a skip in his step.

"attention, guys. welcome back to a new year at coal hill secondary school.

we have a few new members of staff this year as you may have noticed. and along with new members come the peer tours." he smirked over at clara's small gang.

"oh for goodness sake. he makes it so obvious." clara whispered to adrien and penelope.

"scott, if you could show cheryl around, alice with dani, adrien with charlize," he paused. clara knew what was coming. she could see it a mile away.

"and clara if you would show john around that would be fantastic." harry smiled cockily at her.

"be nice." he whispered in her ear as he walked by.

clara made her way over to the brown haired man at the back of the room, who was inventively looking at one of the notice boards that she had designed last year.

"hey," clara started. "john right?"

"yeah, john." he smiled and extended his hand. she shook it with a smug smile on her face.
"clara." she stated.

"no last name?" he grinned like an idiot.
"no wasn't born with one." she joked making him laugh.

she had to admit, he had the straightest jawline she'd ever seen in her life.

"so. harry said that you teach history?" she asked changing the subject. he nodded, brushing a strand of hair out of his face.

"yeah have been for about 3 years." he replied as clara pushed her own hair back.

"clara, idina's at the door?" adrien shouted across the room. john looked down in confused at the small brunette.

"oh you're kidding?" she breathed and walked over to the door. she opened it to find her 14 year old standing with katie, penelope's daughter.

"hey monkey, what's up?" clara asked as she flung the door open.

"katie left her pe kit in her mums car? she wanted to come and ask mrs hansen for their car keys." she stopped. "i just came with her. but i did want to ask if you knew who mr smith was? i've got him for history, but i don't know who he is?"

"oh the joys of being a teachers kid." clara moaned jokingly. she took the two girls into the staff room as katie went over to penelope to get the keys.

"well, who is he then?" idina asked. she looked up to see clara daydreaming and staring at the floor as she often did.

"mum." she repeated.

"yeah?" clara responded and pointed to john in the corner still admiring her boards.

"that's him." she smiled. the bell rang for form time and one by one, the staff room became almost empty.

"right come on then kid, we're in room.." clara paused to think, "c4." the duo walked across the school site, chatting away and giggling about family stuff.

- - -

"mum, i have three pieces of homework already and it's only been six hours!" idina moaned.

"from who?" clara asked, not really too bothered, but she found it fairly amusing.

"mrs hansen, mr davis and mr smith."
clara let out a small giggle until she noticed same said mr smith stood in the doorway.

"hi." he stuttered.

"dee, could you go wait in the car?" clara asked politely.

"okay, can I have the keys?" clara dug into her coat pocket and pulled out the car keys. she handed them to idina.

she trudged out of the classroom and made her way outside to the white range rover that was sat in the car park.

"idina's yours?" john asked, clearly embarrassed.

clara nodded. "yep."

"wow. i can definitely see the resemblance now that you said it."

"not many people can. i think she looks more like her dad."

"what's he like?" john asked.

"a pig." clara scoffed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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