Chapter 1: Weapons X beginning

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Inko: W-what are you doing?

???: Your alive? That's to bad. The crash was supposed to kill you.

Inko: Y-you did this. W-why? Why are you t-taking my baby.

???: I'm terribly sorry Ms. Midoryia but I can not tell you that. Know that I don't do this with a choice or with pride. No mother should have to go through this.

Inko than got out of the car but right when she did she fell to the ground. She started to crawl to the man though crying.

Inko: P-please. H-he's all I have. I-I can't lose my baby. Please.

??? head: What has my life become.

The man was ashamed of what he was doing. While its true there are some lines you shouldn't cross but people do anyways there are just some unsaid moral laws almost every human being should obey. One of those is what he is doing right now. He knew there was no just way to put what he is doing. He is taking a kid to god knows where to have god knows what happen to him. The man than put the Izuku in the truck passenger seat and buckled him in and walked back to a Inko on the verge of passing out. He than got on one knee and made a promise.

???: I wish I could leave you and this kid alone. But for complicated reasons I can't. I promise you this though. One day I will find a way to get you your son back. I also promise to do everything I can to keep him safe.

Inko: No please don't take him away from me. H-he is just a k-kid. My kid... my baby... my son. PLEASE I'm begging you.

The man than just walked away from Inko though. If he stayed any longer he would do something stupid that would get himself killed like disobeying his organizations orders. He than gets in the truck with Izuku still unconscious and drives away. Inko just cries and puts her bloody hands out trying to reach for her son as he is being taken away.

Inko: I swear to you I-Izuku. *cries* I'm never going to stop looking for you. I promise.

11 years later at the U.S.J.

(CLARIFICATION: 11 years has passed, and nobody has seen or even heard of Izuku Midoryia. He has been missing and the only ones who even remember him is his childhood friend Bakugo and his Mother Inko.)

The class known as 1-A from U.A. academy is walking into the U.S.J which is a training facility for the young heroes to practice rescuing. Just as the 2 teachers/ Heroes 13 and eraser head were talking a misty portal was made in the center of the U.S.J. The pro hero eraser head acted and jumped into battle.


Eraser head (A.K.A Aizawa Shouta) than started fighting the villains coming out of the portal. He used his scarf and erasing quirk (looks at someone and temporarily stops their quirk from working) to fight them all off. With the students though a purple mist showed up in front of the students who were running for the exit. The mist than formed yellow eyes and began to speak. It was the same man who took Izuku.

???: Sorry to barge into this haven for justice but we decided what better way to announce the league of villains than to kill the symbol of piece.

Ochako: W-what that.... That's impossible.

Mineta: They can't do that All Might is to strong.

The purple mist man than surrounded the students and suddenly all of them were spread out around the U.S.J. Some where at the shipwreck zones others in land slide zone and even some where in the fire zone. (Everyone was sent to where they were like in the anime). The man though after sending everyone out teleported one girl in particular in an empty room in the city zone. She had pink hair and pink skin with black/ yellow eyes.

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