Chapter 13 part 1

Start from the beginning

In her hands I can see the moonstone.

"I just spoke to Llaus on the way back here. He shall be here very soon" She says, as she walks past me.

"What did you do to Stefan" I demand, not a question.

"I snapped how neck, which shall keep him out for a few hours."

"Fantastic" I mutter.


I hear a door open. Katherine and I both stiffen as footsteps make their way towards us.

There he stands. The man from everyone's nightmares. Klaus.

"It's been awhile, Katerina. Ah and Amaya, you're looking well." Klaus says, pleasantly

"I have a deal for you," Katherine says.

"And what would that be?" Klaus asks.

"In exchange my freedom, you can have the moonstone, and Amaya."

"Give me the moonstone first" Klaus orders.

Katherine sighs a d holds it out to him.

"You're too late, love," Klaus says as he puts the moonstone in his pocket. "I've already made a deal with someone else."

Katherine barely has time for her eyes to widen before Klaus snaps her neck.

Her body falls to the floor, unmoving. Hopefully I can kill the bitch before she wakes up.

Klaus walks to me and begins in gaining me.

"I never thought I'd ever see myself helping you. But I must admit, my hatred for you has decreased," Klaus comments.

I don't know what rp say to that, so I remain silent.

My plan is to bolt right after I'm free. I try that in-fact, but Klaus grabs my arm, stoping me.

"I made a deal with your best friend Hadley that I would save you from Katherine. I've done that. But she didn't say I had to save you, from me."

I get free of his grip and run towards the door.

"You're staying right there until I get Hadley in here. I know she's never forgive me if I ripped your heart out here and now."

"Since when do you care what Hadley thinks about you?"

"That's none of your concern."

I hear the door open and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face.

"Hadley!" I say as we run to each other.

"Amaya!" She says as she hugs.

Haha this reminds me of a scene from some emotional movie.

"What a heart warming moment," Klaus says, interrupting out happy reunion. "I'll be at your front door in two hours Hadley. Be ready.'

Klaus leaves and I turn to Hadley. "What the nit actual fuck is he talking about?"

"Well... I kinda made a deal with him for you."

"Haha you're stuck with Klaus!" I laugh.

"Only for one night!"

"Oh and one more thing girls," Klaus says re-entering the room. "You will keep Elijah company this evening.," Klaus says, looking at me.

"Ah yeah, no. Not gonna happen," I reply.

"Amaya," Hadley warns.

"I just saved your life. You will go with Elijah to the founders ball. If not, well let's just say you won't like what happens" Klaus threatens.

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