Chapter 4 part 2

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Hadley prov 4


Now that my dress is ruined I well have to get ready all over again gahh! Why am I even giving this dick another chance? I closed off that feeling so I wouldn't have to see them again. Oh we'll I'll get some great drinks while I'm there.

I open the suit case and scramble to get something thats suited for the occasion. I throw close every where tell I find the perfect outfit. Blue jeans, black tank top, and a blue button up long sleeve shirt and pairing a feather necklace. I walk out into the bathroom and pull my bangs back to the back of my head and flick the rest behind me. By this point I only have an hour to go so I run to grab my black and yellow flower printed handbag along with that I shove on plain black flats to match the outfit.

In seconds I'm running down to the lobby and out the doors to the taxi right around the corner. It's not the best ride but tell I get to Boston tomorrow this is how I'm getting around. Throwing the dead body in the back of the car, I hop in the front and drive off towards the grill.

When I reached the grill one car stands out... Rick was here. It's not a surprise in anyway but I wish it was the first Friday he didn't show up!

I walk threw the front door and my eyes look over to see a face I'm not to fond of, he was defiantly here. "Hey Rick!" I called from a distance. He turned around he smiled and waved to me. His hair was a little messy ,he is wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans. Once I reach the bar he asks me to take a set and I do so. The bar tender comes over to us and asks if we want drinks "I'll have vodka mixed with 7 up, how about you?" Asks Rick. I smile "I'll have your strongest drink." I smiled And the bartender just gave a worry look and waked away. Rick gave me the same look "a tiny girl like you shouldn't have the strongest drink here."

Still smiling I hand I'm a simple answer "I'm leaving for Boston tomorrow so I wanted to have fun tonight." I said gleefully but a not so happy voice butted in "Hadley your not going to Boston!" It just so happens to be big bad Damon.

In a second the bartender was back with both me and Ricks drinks he slowly drank his but I on the other hand downed mine in seconds. Lets just say I'm not feeling to well now.

Damon grabs by the hand and calmly say the worlds " we'll be back." Then he dragged me to the other side of the grill.

I sigh "your doing a terrible job trying to being me back."

"Hadley please don't do this, I need you here!" He pleaded

"Alright Damon all go back... After I have my fun." Damon just eyes me as I walk to toward the bartender and hall him to the side. He watches me very closely and when I sink my teeth in to his skin Damon uses his supper speed and brakes me from my meal and pushes me to the wall. He snaps "don't you ever hurt another person again?! Got it?!"

In a flash I spit out the words "look who's talking."

He pushed me into one of the closets chairs."stay here!" In seconds Damon left and called Amaya, I know this is because I used my supper hearing

"What Damon"

"Amaya, Hadley turned off her humanity!" Damon says frantically.

"What?! Are you sure?

"Yes I'm sure"

"We'll it's kinda your fault Damon! Get her out of there and bring her home before she hurts someone!"

"Alright, Alright I'll get her"

He came back in a flash gripping my wrist and forcing me out the door.

Past and PresentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora