Sweeney Todd x Reader

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You had just arrived in London after escaping from some cruel men that kidnapped you from your home. You snuck aboard a ship and managed to slip out at the harbour on the Thames, unnoticed. You let your feet lead themselves through the cobbles of the streets. You were scared, all you had in the world was a few belongings in your suitcase that you managed to hide from you kidnappers. You had no hope until you saw a large shop with a sign saying, 'Mrs Lovett's' your nose pricked into the air as you smelt the pies. Your stomach rumbled. You looked around and saw a street sign, 'Fleet Street'. You walked into the shop and went up to a woman stood at the counter, you presumed that this was Mrs Lovett.

"'Ello dearie." She said, "What can I get for ya? Look at ya, yer practically a bag of bones. Here, luv, 'ave a pie" She pushed a plate towards you, the pastry was golden and your stomach growled, you hadn't eaten for- you can't even remember. You stuffed the pie in your face as Mrs Lovett watched you. "So, dearie. What's a pretty girl like you doin' here, eh?" She asked you. You responded between mouthfuls,

"I was taken by a group of men from my home. I escaped and got on a ship and arrived here."

"Oh no! Oh- poppet. That sounds horrible" Mrs Lovett said, placing her hand on my arm. Her hand was quickly withdrawn and she looked at your arm, "Oh my- yer freezing. Here, come wiv' me, poppet." You followed her, pushing through the crowd of customers being served by a young boy with mousy brown hair. She gently pushed you down into a large, maroon, leather chair. She threw a blanket over you and said, "Stay 'ere, luv. Just gonna go and tend to the customers." You placed your suitcase next to the chair and snuggled down into it, the soft blankets tickled your chin, you closed your eyes, absolutely exhausted. You slowly drifted asleep, unnoticed by the large crowds of drunks, buying pies late at night.

You awoke to the sound of a soft, light piano tune, dancing through your ears. You smiled, remembering the days when your Father taught you to play piano. Your eyes quickly shot open and you saw a man with dark hair, playing the piano in front of you. He had his eyes shut as his pale, large hands stroked the keys. You took the blanket off of your body, recognising the song. It was one your Father used to play. You bent over the piano and your hands found the keys, remembering all the notes and you began playing with the man. You felt happy playing this tune until your hands brushed against the man's. At this the man's eyes quickly shot open and his hands retreated from the keys, startling you. His dark, harsh eyes stared into your E/C eyes and he quickly stood, making you stand up right. "Oh- Sorry sir. I-I didn't mean to interrupt, it's just I used to play that song with my Father and I-" You stopped, noticing that he was still staring at you, "Can I help you sir?" You asked, confidently, becoming rather concerned as to why his eyes were so keenly staring at you.

"Sorry, darlin'. I just- I've never heard a woman play as beautifully as you did" He said.

"Oh- Why thank you sir." You said, blushing. You turned around, looking at your discarded blanket. You walked over to it whilst saying, "I think it's best I took my leave." You folded the blanket, picked up your suitcase and began to head out of the archway when you felt a pair of rough hands grab your wrist.

"You don't 'ave to leave, if you don't want to" The man quietly told you, releasing your wrist.

"Sir- That's very kind of you but I really should find some lodgings somewhere else. I wouldn't want to be a burden on you and your wife." You replied.

"A burden? Of course not my dear I'm certa- my wife?" He asked you.

"Yes, Mrs Lovett. I'm presuming you're Mr Lovett?" You questioned.

"Mr Lovett has been dead for years, my dear. You can call me Todd. Sweeney Todd." He said to you, letting the corner of his lips turn up into an almost smile.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Mr Todd" you said, putting your hand out. He took your hand and responded with,

"Sweeney. Call me Sweeney please, my darling." You shook his hand, beaming at him.

"Alright. I'm Y/N L/N" you told him.

"Y/N. That is a beautiful name. Ideal for such a gorgeous lady." Sweeney told you, bending over to kiss your hand. He placed his lips upon your hand. His lips were surprisingly soft and a quiet 'mwah' could be heard, breaking the silence. Heat rose to your cheeks, you were falling for this mysterious gent. "Now let's bring your belongings upstairs, eh, luv?" Sweeney asked you. You nodded and allowed him to take your suitcase and your hand. He walked you past the counter, where Mrs Lovett was rolling dough and she gave your intertwined hands a puzzled look but made no comment. He took you out the door and to a set of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a door and a barbers pole, covered in red and white stripes.

"You're a barber." You exclaimed. Sweeney turned to you and nodded. He guided you in the door you saw a chair in the middle of the room and a large window above it, which you could see the shy sun hiding behind murky clouds. Sweeney pulled on your hand, unlocked a door and took you into a bedroom.

"Now, my dear." Sweeney said, "You may stay in here." He let out a small, encouraging smile.

"Thank you, Sweeney" You said, "How much is rent? I've only got a couple of shillings on me but I'm sure I can find a job somewhere."

"No rent, luv" Sweeney told you, "It's on the 'ouse."

"Oh! Thank you Sweeney!" You jumped at him, engulfing him into a hug. He was rigid and he didn't embrace the hug for a few moments, before he softened and melted into the hug, wrapping his arms around you waist. You pulled away from the hug, looking down at your feet. His hand reached your chin and he lifted your face. He saw your glistening, E/C eyes shine and your H/C hair was soft.

"Anything for you, luv." Sweeney said, his voice echoing in the alcoves. You pulled him into a kiss, your lips crashing together. Your tongues fought for dominance but Sweeney's talented tongue brought you so much pleasure. His fingers lightly tugged your hair, earning a moan from you. You separated and he stroked you cheek. "You're so beautiful, luv" He whispered, "Stay with me, forever."

Johnny Depp Character x Reader Imagines & OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now