“No, no. Double dating is fine, it’s just Lauren… she’s never invited me to anything! I’m honestly shocked. And especially with you, meaning you’re a girl. Normally she ignores the girls I have with me or is really rude to them.”

“Oh, well she did say something like that.”

He looked at me with a questionative look on his face.

“Just, she said, I’m not like the other girls you normally have around and you don’t date so she was shocked that you were with me.”

He smile and nodded. We pulled into the Smoothie Shack and parked. He started to get out but then got back in.



“I’m not a player. It’s just, no girls have come around that I’m interested in getting to know, until you.”

I smiled and looked up at him and his hazel eyes and saw the sincerity and pureness in them and then I felt a feeling in my stomach I hadn’t been expecting-butterflies.

We got out of his car and walked in. We ordered our smoothies and then sat down at a table that was sort of closed off from the other customers.

“So, Addie, who the hell was that maniac from yesterday?”

I laughed, it was true. Darren had definitely acted like a manic yesterday.

“That was my insane ex.”

“Insane? That’s an understatement.”

I smiled, I didn’t really want to talk about Darren right now. I’m still pissed about what had happened earlier.

“Yeah, well I don’t really want to talk about him right now.”

Nick got the hint and dropped it.

We sat in our seats for two and half hours and just talked, about everything.

Looking at Nick you’d think he was a hot guy, probably football player, who used girls and would tell them whatever they wanted to hear to please them. Wrong, he spoke the truth and didn’t sugar coat it. And he had never been a football player he actually was the president of the French club in high school and he hadn’t been with nearly as many girls as he lead people to believe about him. Behind the hot face and cocky façade was a sweet and caring guy.

We finally left and went back to my house so I could get ready for tonight.

We were in my room and Nick was messing with my stereo as I was fixing my makeup.

I had decided to wear some black skinny jeans, a red halter top with red heels that looked great with my hair and skin color.

Even though my stereo had been blasting I could hear that someone was knocking on my door. I told Nick to pause it and opened my bed room door.

“Hey, Mandi.”

“Hey, sweetie, I haven’t talked to you in like two days, I just wanted to see how you’ve been.”

Mandi was walking in my room when she finally noticed Nick. She smiled and then turned to me.

“Mandi, this is Nick. Nick, this is Mandi, my step mom.”

Nick got up from sitting on the beanbag chair in my room and shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

Mandi waved her hand like she was swatting a fly away.

“Oh, please, dear, do not call me that. Call me, Mandi, ma’am makes me feel old.”

Nick laughed and reworded what he had already said.

“Nice to meet you, Mandi.” She smiled and I sat down next to her on my bed.

“So, how’ve you been?” she asked again.


“I can see that.” She smiled and looked at Nick who was now blushing which made me blush, too.

“Addie and I are just friends,” Nick said as he was recovering from his red flushed face, “at least for now.”

This made me get more butterflies. Damn. I really wasn’t wanting to like nick at first, but he was just making it too damn hard not to.

“Oh, I see.” Mandi said with a huge grin on her face.

“Yeah, but we are going out on a date tonight.” I said with a smile on my face that matched Nick’s.

“Really? That’s great! And it explains that outfit!”

I laughed and nodded. “So, are you and dad doing anything tonight?”

“We’re going to the Powers’ for dinner.”

Chalice’s parent’s house, our parents became instant friends back when we became friends, too.

“Tell them I said hi.” I hadn’t seen them in quite a while, which I felt bad about because they were like my second parents.

“I will. Well, I better get going, you two kids have fun.”

“We will,” I said as she headed out my door and closed it.

Nick walked over to me and grabbed my waist.

“You’re so cute, Addie.”

I blushed again. “You’re not so bad yourself, Nick.”

“Oh, well, you know.” He said jokingly which made me roll my eyes.

Nick grabbed a stran of my hair that had fallen in my face and pushed it behind my ear; he was leaning down towards me. I started leaning towards him when I heard a bang.

Damn it.

I had actually really wanted to kiss him then.

It was Chalice banging on my window. I unlocked the latch and helped her in.

“Girl! Where the hell were you after cla.. woah, who’s the hottie?” she finally looked over and noticed Nick standing next to me.

I laughed and Nick introduced himself, again.

“Woah, you were right, he is cute!” Chalice said, embarrassing me.

“Already gossiping about me to all your friends?” Nick said with a hint of flirtation in his voice.

I turned red, which I seemed to be doing a lot around him.

Chalice kept trying to talk to me but I was in my own little world with Nick. We kept smiling back and forth with each other having our own little silent conversation.

I heard Chalice clear her voice and I finally snapped out of my daze.

“Well, I can see I am not needed here. I’m just going to go and talk to Mandi.” She said with fake aggravation.

“You have a lot of visitors.” Nick said teasingly.

“I know.”

Nick had moved closer to me again and grabbed my face and was moving slowly down towards my lips and just when I thought he was going to kiss me again, his phone rang from receiving a text message.

Ugh, it must not be in the cards to kiss Nick tonight.

“It’s Morgan, he’s saying we’re late and to hurry up.”

My insides turned. Not out of being sick or butterflies but because I was nervous of seeing him after everything that had just happened.

“Well, I guess that means we ought to go, right?”

He smiled and nodded.

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now