first day of classes

Start from the beginning

me and mionie shared a look then bursted out laughing.

"who knew you would break the rules enh?" i nudged her she rolled her eyes and playfully shoved me making us both erupt into another fit of giggles. 

im really glad i have had a growth spurt since summer because im not much shorter than hermionie now so i dont feel like a dwarf  i am like 2 or 3 inches shorter. 

we talked the whole way back to the common room just being our dorky selves ad cracking up. 

we got to the common room portrait "pig snout" hermionie said inbetween giggles. the fat lady opended the entrance to the common room "she looks like a pig snout" mionie said under her breath making us go into another loud fit of laughter.

the boys turned around because they were waiting at the bottom of the girls staircase for us. 

harry raised an eyebrow while smiling while ron scrunched his eyebrows "what were you two doing wandering the corridors before your suppose to?" 

i gasped for breath because i was laughing so hard, it wasnt even what really mionie said it was just that her laugh was contagious and i couldnt stop. mionie was laughing as well, i leaned on her for support "well you see we-" mionie started laughing again, which of course made me as well. 

i think the boys realized they werent gonna get an answer out of us. harry pulled out his invisibility cloak "whats that for?" mionie asked between deep breaths trying to contain her laughter

i turned around so my back was facing them so i could restrain my laughter. i started giggling and i covered my hand with my mouth

dont laugh joslyn, you can do it!

mionie snorted trying not to laugh and i couldnt hold it back and started laughing like crazy. she did as well. harry snickered watching us while ron rolled is eyes with a small smile 

"well we were planning on going to hagrids and just skip breakfast it will give us about an hour" harry shrugged. we both finally sobered up. 

"ohh can we come?" i gave him my puppy eyes making him laugh "you both sure are in a good mood enh?" i nodded and the 4 of us climbed under the cloak.

we sneaked out into the hallways. 

i made sure not to make eyecontact with hermionie because if i did i would most definitly start laughing again.

we made it down to hagrids hut undetected. 

before we knocked on the door harry came up behind me "goodmorning" i spun around "goodmorning" i smiled we hugged and when we pulled away he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, hagrid decided to open his door at that exact moment. 

"im not sure what ter say ima gon' pretend i didnt see that" 

i blushed while mionie giggled, harry blushed but smiled a little bit and ronald rolled his eyes. 

"well come in yer lot" hagrid smiled telling us to come in. we entered the hut and me and hermionie raced for the armchair, it is seriously the most comfy thing on this world. we reached it at the same time and both plopped on it, but since its little i was basically on her lap. 

we shared a glance and both started laughing 

"oh not again" ron groaned but harry nudged him "hey let them have their fun" he said smiling in our direction. 

hagrid chatted with the boys for awhile, he kept casting glances at me, he did it again but this time held his stare "has yer eyes...have 'ey changed?" i looked around awkwardly, hermionie piped up from behind me "i noticed to they have silver in them now" everyone nodded while i kinda just sat there awkward "i like your make up like that it makes your eyes pop" harry said, me and mionie casted a glance and fell into yet another fit of laughter, he sounded so feminine! hagrid chuckled and ron looked away snickering, and harry blushed realizing he said it out loud, aww he was embarresed. 

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