1. The One That Got Away

Start from the beginning

"You gotta let her go Nathan." Paul told me as he and my dad carried me out to the truck.

"Can you let Missy go?" he understood nodding and shut the door after I climbed in. My dad got in the driver side and sighed as he shifted the gear and started to drive.

"I know you're drunk son but the way Paul lost Missy doesn't compare."

I pulled my hat over my eyes and heard him sigh. I knew then he gave up before he could even start.

Tyler's POV

I heard tires on the gravel and walked out to see my dad pulling in. He got out and waved me over.

"Come on Ty help me get your brother."

"Again?" I scoffed.

"Come on now Tyler he's still you're brother. No matter what he does. Get over here and help me get him inside."

I sighed and walked over to my dad and Nathan. I grabbed his arm and put it around my neck. We got him inside and headed towards his room. After we laid him down my dad walked out and gave me a nod. I stood there just staring at my brother. He never told me why he drank every night and I never asked. All I knew was that things had changed between us ever since Logan left. I just never understood why.

Nathan's POV

I woke up to my mom sitting on my bed next to me and stroking my hair. I turned over and groaned covering my eyes.

"Nathan why are you doing this to yourself sweetheart? You know it kills me to see you being carried in every night."

I rolled back over. "You know why momma. I should've begged her to stay. She broke my heart and she don't even know. I should've never let her go."

She sighed. "I know baby. Don't you think you need to see if you can get in touch with her?"

"She won't wanna talk to me. We weren't on good terms when she left."

I got up and went to shower leaving my mom without another word.

Logan's POV

"I'm gonna miss you!!" my roommate for the past four years hugged me tight.

"Me too but I think it's time I go back home. I left alot of things undone. And I miss Tyler and Nathan." I sighed taking down the picture of us three and putting it in my suitcase.

"Are you finally gonna tell Tyler how you felt all those years? And still feel?" she smiled.

"Nope. I don't plan on it either."

"Well what about Nathan? I still think he had a thing for you."

I laughed. "What?! No way. Nathan is my best friend, that's it."

"You haven't talked to him in five years, that's not being a good friend let alone a best friend."

I shook my head. "No. You don't know the friendship me and Nathan had. We went through a lot. I've known him since I was fourteen and he's never been the type to shut anyone out or stop caring no matter what the cause."

"So what are you gonna do?"

"My mom says he hangs out at the bar on the weekends. I'm gonna head over there when I get back home."

"You think he'll recognize you?"

"My hair is longer and lighter that's about it." I laughed.

"Well either way text me what happens! Everything! When you land, when you see them, I mean everything!"

She hugged me one last time and I walked out with my last bag to head home.

Later that night

Nathan's POV

I put on my boots and buttoned up my shirt before I headed out.

"Where are you going?" my mom asked as I walked out.

"I'm meeting the guys at the bar." she looked upset. I walked over and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry momma. Something's telling me not to drink too much tonight."

"I'm praying. You be careful." she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I was out the door.

I got to Paul's and it was packed. Normal for a Saturday night. I walked over to the bar and sat on the stool.

"What ya having Nate?" Paul came over.

"Just a beer right now Paul." he nodded and popped the cap off of a Bud Light and set it down in front of me. Before he could say anything he was called over to the other side of the bar. I sat there for a couple of minutes when I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over and she smiled, so did I.

"You got some ID young lady?" Paul came over and asked her.

I laughed. "Come on Paul you know they check for that at the door."

"And you know I give new faces a hard time." he said throwing the towel at me.

I looked back over at the girl and when she spoke my jaw dropped.

"Well can I get a beer or not?"

I choked. "Joey?"

She was as surprised as me. "Nathan?"

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