1. The One That Got Away

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Logan's POV

We finally did it. We graduated. Well me and Tyler did. Nathan was a year above us. We sat around the bonfire just us three like old times. We were inseparable. The three musketeers like mom called us. I was going off to college, Nathan had a job with his dad at the factory and trying to pursue a career in bull riding. Tyler hadn't planned anything yet. I looked over at Tyler as he stumbled over to a girl that was standing over all alone. Just then I felt a nudge. I looked over to see Nathan sit down next to me.

"Cheer up. You're getting out, moving on, bettering yourself."

I looked back over at Tyler just in time to see him kiss that girl he had stumbled over to.

"You're right. It's not like I ever had a chance even if I stayed." I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Trust me Joey, it's his loss." he said hugging me.

"Really Nate, when are you gonna stop calling me that?" I shoved him.

"Whenever your middle name stops being Joanna." he laughed.

Right then Tyler pushed his way in between us and put an arm around each of us.

"I love y'all. I really do." he hiccuped and Nathan pushed his arm off.

"Well guys, this is it. The last night we're gonna spend together for a long time." I said with tears filling my eyes.

"What're you talking about? We'll be able to come see you and you're not coming back for holidays?" Nathan questioned with a sad look on his face.

I looked down. "I wish I could but UCLA is a long drive and I can't afford to come back all the time and I'm sure you guys are going to be busy here."

At this point Tyler had no idea what was going on he had passed out.

"You've gotta be kidding me Logan. This whole time you had already planned on just leaving us and forgetting us?" he said standing up.

"No." I paused. "Well yeah, but I wasn't going to forget about you guys. I could never forget you. But you and I both know if I come back I'll stay."


Nathan's POV

I was spending another night at the bar after work. It was starting to get old but it was the only time that I was able to forget about Logan leaving. She was my best friend and she had left just like that, not even taking another look back. I haven't talked to her since the night of the bonfire let alone seen her. It's been five years.

"Looks like you need this right now more than any other night." Paul said setting down a shot of whiskey in front of me.

"5 years today." I said and took the shot.

He started wiping the counter top. "You still in love with this girl? Even after she took off the way she did?"

"As in love as when she moved in next door when I was 15." I signaled to the empty glass in front of me and he filled it again. "She never looked at me the way she looked at Tyler though. I was the best friend. She would never look at me that way." I took the second shot.

"Does your brother know?"

I laughed. "He was too damn blind. He had the perfect girl after him. Beautiful, sweet, smart, she's got it all."

I stayed until closing time taking shot after shot telling Paul the same story I told every night for three years. He called my dad when I had enough as always.

You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like ThisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora