don't look back pt.1 Melody

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The story of melody Tarnk Blake

When melody was younger she was despised by her siblings she was the one night stand accident, although her mom Louise loved her it was much different for her 'father' he despise her because she wasn't his real child he had Dark brown while she had dirty blonde hair, and while he had a golden brown eyes and pale skin but she had electric green eyes and tan skin.

But when public he puts up this good father act.

And although she was a kind person she's always shown signs of violence one involving when she was around 6 years old she was playing at the park near the woods she found a hurt bird she decided to put it out of it pain and took a rock and hit the poor thing over and over again with she said she helped it the.

people who knew her were disturbed by this but were soon convinced that it was a one time thing but it was not she continued make these acts of violence but in secret getting more confident every day moving to bigger animals.

Today was a pretty normal day go to school learn she set up a sleepover in the wood near the park she brought the supplies while I Ally brought the the tent and Ellen she new how to start a fire there were also some others.

We walk in the woods setting up camp we were sitting by the fire talking well not Melody she just sat their staring into the trees after awhile she got up excusing herself I excuse myself to having a bad feeling about this and climb up one of the many trees staring down at my companions I see a figure approach from behind

then rentals enough the fire show the outline of melody with an axe raised above her head the bringing it down on skull of taira alarming the others with a screen as they scatter like a group of bugs.

She runs after the remaining swinging the axe uncontrollably slicing the body's of are friends then falls to her knees crying while I just Stare from the tree feeling slightly nauseous and that's saying something I usually don't react to gore and violence don't ask why, I just blankly stare at the corpses the beheaded body of Ellen my sister and some still alive bleeding out I could of gotten help but I didn't want to risk it and even after that she was still my friend.

She stood up wiping her tears and also some blood off her face tightly grasping the axe then running off into the woods I climb down and running to the bodies of my friends checking there heartbeat.

I didn't bother with the beheading out to of all of them only to remained alive but not for long if I didn't get the medical help.

I put one of them on my back Harley and carrying the other Jayda and started running towards the exit of the woods on to the little playground  I could hear what time now know to be melody screaming my name and to “ not look back ” and I didn't.

 Soon I found Harley and Jayda some medical help they survived even though they lost a lot of blood the Doctor said that both Harley and Jayda would lucky to survive while Harley had a very deep gash on her back that would definitely leave a scar and Jayda arm had been hacked off.

After a couple months of recovery their bodies where fully healed but I don't think then minds were they were always staring out the hospital window that fact the woods then saying stuff like she's watching with these horrified expressions then throwing up and refusing to eat to the point where they had to use a feeding tube and for me I felt like somebody was watching me and always felt dehydrated and I always make sure I don't look back. Until one day...

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