A Grand Tour

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Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDNMqtAtMqY

"A vantage point?" "Yes. I am unfamiliar with the layout of this city, which might prove dangerous in certain situations; however, I should be able to navigate it after seeing it from above." Eddie leaned forward. "Just at a glance?" "Yes." Eddie looked at Violet for a moment before looking at his watch and closing his laptop. "I have a better idea. It's still early. Why don't we take a break today and I can show you around the city?"

Violet looked somewhat perplexed. "But sir, the deadline for your report-" "Can wait. Besides, you can't work if you keep pushing yourself. Trust me, not fun." Violet hesitated before responding with a nod. "Understood. Thank you very much, sir."

After she had packed away her type-writer, Violet and Eddie exited the apartment. They had been working non-stop for the past few days, so both felt refreshed after taking a deep breath. Eddie would have taken his bike, but it was totaled thanks to one of Venom's recent stunts. As they walked, Eddie shared facts and memories about the places they visited which piqued Violet's interest.

They crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and journeyed through Chinatown where Eddie introduced her to Mrs. Chen. Violet gave a short bow when she gave her name to which Mrs. Chen responded with a bow as well. "They get along well." Venom said as Eddie walked towards the back of the store, looking for chocolate. "Fast friends. That's a good thing."

After they stepped outside Mrs. Chen's store, Violet looked towards Eddie. "Sir, how long have you lived in this city?" "A few years." Eddie replied. "I moved here with my fiancé." Violet stopped. "I was not aware. Congratulations, sir." Eddie gave a short laugh. "Thanks... but we're not together anymore. We broke it off not long before the Life Foundation incident." Neither said anything for a moment. "I... I apologize." Eddie leaned on the railing. "Don't sweat it."

"You know, there's a coffee shop just outside of Chinatown. They've got the best desserts in the city. What do you say?"

When they arrived at the coffee shop, they were almost unable to enter. Customers lined the sidewalk, and the waiters were clearly understaffed. Once they were able to get through, a voice yelled from the back of the building. "Aye, Eddie! Saved you a seat." Eddie turned to the source of the voice and smiled. "I really appreciate it, man." He led Violet to a table and sat down.

"That's Harris. His old man moved here from Brooklyn with his family and started this place from the ground up. After a while, Harris got into it and took over. His dad's still here. He's usually making the food in back." Eddie said, "Sorry if all the people make you uncomfortable. Today's usually their slowest day." "I am not bothered by it. The office where I work is filled with many people, so I am used to large crowds; however, I appreciate your concern, sir."

Eddie chuckled. "Call me Eddie. You've called me 'sir' ever since the day we met. Why is that?" "It is a habit. Unless instructed otherwise, that is how I refer to all my superiors." Eddie raised an eyebrow. 'Superiors?' He crossed his arms on the table.

Come to think of it, Violet has always been so polite, and the way she spoke was foreign to Eddie, especially in a place like San Francisco. He wondered what kind of background this girl came from. And also...

A waitress came to their table and set two plates of what looked to be blackberry pie in front of them. The pie was still steaming. "Here you two go." The waitress said with a grin. "Thank you. Tell the old man to take it easy, alright?" The waitress laughed and waved as she left to serve other tables.

"Okay, let's eat!" Violet raised her hands to her mouth and bit her gloves off again. Eddie's attention immediately shifted towards her hands. She set her gloves neatly on the table and picked up the silverware. "Yes, si-" She stopped herself after remembering what Eddie had told her. "Yes, Eddie."

Venom / Violet Evergarden CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now