The Auto Memories Doll

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"Eddie, what time is it?" a dark voice said. "Five in the morning, Venom. Thanks to you, I've managed to stay awake long enough to work on this article." Eddie responded. "How long have you been working on this project? I'm getting very hungry. I would suggest finding something quick, or you might have trouble breathing." "For the past few days, my lungs have been looking really good to you. Why is that?" Eddie asked while typing another paragraph on his laptop.

"They're soft and squishy. Plus You don't need two. In fact, you might not need either of them." "We really need to work on your human anatomy; but if you're that hungry, then what'll it be?" Eddie rose from his couch.

"I remember seeing some delicious looking chicken tenders in the fridge," Venom said. "Alright! chicken tenders it is." Eddie opened the fridge and took a small plate of chicken tenders. He started the microwave and put the tenders in. "So, how long until you finish your article anyway? People are still getting robbed and I get bored easily." "Do all symbiotes have such high demands?" Eddie sat back down on the couch.

"I'm just saying, you could use a break. Since I am attached to you then I am practically forced to stare at your computer screen for most of the day. Couldn't you hurry this up a bit?" "It was your idea to get the word out about Drake's projects. According to Anne, there are a few of his labs still standing. "But we don't know if they are in working order." "Exactly." Eddie saved his article and opened his browser.

Venom shot two tendrils out of Eddie's back. The first shut off the microwave and grabbed the plate of tenders, while the second turned on the television. The local news was on.

"Two months have passed since a rocket, originating from Carlton Drake's facility, exploded seemingly without cause." Eddie glanced at the reporter. "According our sources, Carlton Drake, founder of the Life Foundation, was indeed on the rocket, but the police officer heading the investigation of the explosion says that 'his body was never found.'"

"Do you think he's really dead?" Venom asked. Eddie shook his head. "Wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't." He pressed the enter key and leaned back into the seat cushion. "So, what do you think?" "About Drake?"

"No," Eddie motioned towards his laptop. "Do you think we should try it?" Venom's head emerged from Eddie's back and stared at the screen. "'Auto Memories Doll Service.'" "They write letters at the request of their clients locally, but they do send their dolls out to other places I might see if one of their dolls can be sent here to help ghostwrite. It would help speed up the process."

"Autom memories dolls? A small plastic children's toy can write? You humans have some very odd ways of doing things." Venom scoffed. Well, they used to. A man by the name of Professor Orlando invented the prototype for the typewriter for his blind wife, a novelist. The term now refers to the writing industry."

"Well, If it helps you speed up your writing then by all means, please do it." Eddie chuckled. "Alright, alright. But later in the day. It's almost sunrise, you know; and I need some sleep."

Hey fellow readers and anime nerds. This chapter was a little shorter than my others, but don't worry. There'll be more to come. See you guys in the next one!

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