Chapter 13

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Thanks for clickingkey-boards for helping with this chapter.

It couldn't have been more than seven in the morning when Peter woke up, bleary-eyed with a knot in a muscle in his neck from the awkward angle he had been resting his head. He was positioned on the couch half-sitting, half laying down in a way that suggested he had been painstakingly moved into a comfortable position after falling asleep on someone's shoulder. All of these thoughts were floating about in the back of his head, however, as he couldn't bring himself to shake the sleepy fog from his mind. He was floating somewhere between consciousness and being dead asleep, hearing and feeling everything around him but not particularly caring either way. As long as what he was sleeping on was vaguely horizontal and not made of radioactive spiders, Peter Stark-Rogers could sleep just fine.

Just as he was considering allowing himself to fall back to sleep, he heard his pops call out, "Bucky, have you seen my sketchpad anywhere?"

A very pointed, "Shhh!" came from his left and his Pops breathed out, "Oh! Is Peter still asleep?"

"When does he usually sleep until?" Bucky asked curiously, keeping his voice down as Steve's footsteps padded over the carpet. "He's a teenager, don't teenagers usually sleep in?"

"No, the kid's usually an early-bird," he said, sitting down on the couch beside Bucky. "By the way, he definitely won that chess game, you're just a sore loser."

"Am not!" Bucky protested, and Steve shushed him - jokingly pressing his hand against his boyfriend's mouth for a second.

"Peter's asleep!"

Bucky huffed and rolled his eyes. "I know! He's right in front of me, Mister Star Spangled Man."

Peter heard both men laugh so hard it reverberated through the room, until they calmed down and took deep breaths.

"Do you think I'll be alright? You know, at the whole 'being an influence to a child' thing?" Bucky asked worriedly, and Steve chuckled.

"Of course, you'll be amazing. It'll be a little rocky at first, but it always is when you learn something new. He seems to like you as a chess partner, if that's any consolation."

There was what sounded like an affectionate shove and then Bucky said, "Thank you, punk."

"I think we should wake up Peter," Bucky suggested.

Steve nodded, taking a few steps across the room and crouching down beside the sofa Peter was sleeping on. "This is around the time he usually wakes up anyway, and Tony will kill me if I mess up his sleep schedule."

"Then you can grace him with your wonderful cooking," Bucky teased.

"Eff off, Barnes," he warned good-naturedly.

"Ooh, you said a bad language word," Bucky muttered, and Steve shot him a death glare.

"Who told you about that? Was it Stark? Hill? Tell me, Buck... I need to know which direction to shoot in on the next mission," Steve insisted, pleading with his eyes.

"The kid told me, while we were playing chess," he said, a satisfied grin on his features. "He said he heard it from an intern at SI."

"And who told the intern?" he asked, frowning suspiciously.

"Another intern," he said, thoroughly enjoying annoying him.

Steve rolled his eyes, completely buying into the annoying game. "And who told that intern?"

"The internet. One Clint Barton posted it on one of those social medias," Bucky explained.

Steve spluttered indigrantly. "That little... ugh, I'm going to kill that damn bird!"

"Peter," Steve said softly as he gently tucked the boy's curls out of his hazel eyes. "You awake, bud?"

Peter rolled over, and would have fallen off the couch if it weren't for the super soldier knelt beside him. "Yeah..." he mumbled, his eyes flickering open whilst he shifted into a more comfortable position.

Steve smiled, knowing that his kid was back to himself - or at least much closer to his original state than the day before. "You want some pancakes, kid?"

"As long as you're not the one making them," teased Peter, regretting his sny comment almost instantly. Steve tugged the blanket off of the teen and started tickling the vulnerable child. "Pops! Stop! Please! Stop!" he protested, squirming away from the blond.

Bucky glanced over at the fidgeting kid, "I have an idea... why don't I make us some grub, whilst your Pops, here, tells you what's happening?"

Nodding in agreement, Peter replied, "Sounds good. What's happening?"

Steve pushed the boy gamingly, sitting down in the cramped space he had made on the sofa. "Me and Bucky gotta go fight some bad guys, Pete... You gonna be okay home alone till we're back?"

"Yeah," Peter exclaimed, realising he could go do some Spider-Man stuff, "I'll be fine."

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