chapter 4

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I woke the next morning and saw Damien wasn't there. I Shrugged it off figuring he was talking to Mark. I got up and got dressed I walked out to see you Benjamin holding a drink. I took it and saw Damien behind me so I went up to him.

" it was quite fun last night wasn't it, I bet you had fun watching us be drunk."

I do know that is, remembering how funny they were last night.

" well I best be going now have some catching up to do with the colonel ill see you at breakfast."

I said my goodbyes as I walk down stairs towards the living room. I entered the living room and heard a noise I turned around to see nothing. I turned back around and saw marks lifeless body on the ground. I screamed so loud I'm surprised no one thought I also got killed.
Abe, Benjamin, and the chef came running to me to see what i was screaming about.

" what the hell happened here who would have done this, perhaps you did."

I shook my head holding back tears.

" No It couldn't have been you this body feels cold but we have to find this murder."

As he said murder a huge Thunderclap hit and a huge storm started. I wish me and Damien could cuddle up during the storm. But I highly doubt we can or would want to. I heard footsteps and Damien walk in questioning what happened. We showed him the body and explain things. His face fell and he excused himself. I went after him knowing he was hurting. Mark and Damien were really good friends and had been as long as they could remember.

" Damien are you okay I understand this is probably really hard on you and I'm sorry."

Before I got a reply I felt his arms around me and I could feel tears on my skin. I held him tightly knowing he needed a good comforting. I slowly began to cry for when Damian cries I do also. We stayed in each other's arms as our silent tears fell, we then let go wiping away each other's tears.

"Oh Y/N I...I never thought this would happen I just cant believe he's gone I just wish this was all a nightmare."

" we all do Damien I just can't believe anyone would do such a thing, Mark seems like such a nice guy."

Damien nodded to my comment and said he had to talk to the colonel about this. So we went our separate ways.


So i made a poll on my Instagram on this book on if i should post twice a week and everyone said yes so now i will be posting two chapters each week witch i am excited for.

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