" Oh the Whore Speaks " Evelyn said with a grin that I would love to knock the fuck off

" Look Evelyn I'm seriously not in the mood for fucking Childish behavior so do me a favor leave me the hell alone or you will regret it " I tell her

I knew all that everyone was now standing up since I heard the scraping of chairs

"You are nothing " Evelyn Growled as she stepped closer

" Says Who "

" I do"

" Why "

" Because you are a whore , Just Ask Todd we all know he fucked you then dumped your ugly ass "

Before I even realize Beanie is standing in front of me her fist connected with Evelyn's face , She stumbles back and then on to the floor

Her hand went to her face holding then she looked up at me and Beanie

"Evelyn Lawson if I Ever Hear you call my Sister a Whore I Will dismember your body no one will be able to find you " Beanie Growled out

" I didn't ... " she said

" You didn't what know she is my sister well consider this your notice , No One and I mean No One Calls my Sister A Whore so if you want to keep yourself alive I suggest you get your ass off the floor and get out of here before My Papa who is a Professional Russian is let go "

I looked over to see North and Silas holding Papa Raven back which isn't an easy thing to do and Papa was yelling in Russian too

Evelyn scurried to stand up still holding her cheek

I stepped Closer to her grabbed her arm pulling her to me and Whispered to her

" Evelyn Don't you ever come near me again because if you do it won't be Bentley or My Papa you will be dealing with it will be me and Right now I have about thousand different ways I could kill you Running through my mind and I can make it look like an accident "

I then stepped back from her
Arms came around my waist pulling me back into them
" Easy Bambino "

" Look I don't know who you are but I suggest you get out of my sight I don't hit women but I will make an exception to that " Mason said he had moved to the right of me
I felt someone take my left hand turning to see it Was Sammy he just grinned at me

Evelyn didn't say anything she just nodded her head and turned tail and ran out the door

" Alright I have had enough fun for today Take me home " I tell Everyone

" Sounds good to me " Sammy said
" Me too " Mason said
" You can't go home yet , You need to go to Dr Oliver's office then you can go home" Uncle Sean said

" Oh yeah I do , Okay fine let's go there then home " I said

I was in and out of Dr Oliver's office in 15 minutes got my shot and Dr Oliver gave me a big hug after we were done

When we got home Morgan's phone rang it was His Daddy Owen we were instructed to go to the media room for a video call

"Alright We had an informative meeting with the guy who was in your room of course after Raven worked him over with some help from Corey but I digress, The Guy Thomas Barnard was hired by .... You guesses it Todd , Now from what he said Thomas was that he was to follow you wherever you go but what he wasn't counting on was that Your Father , Victor and Gabriel were there too , He was to go in and scare you but In His Words " There was one hot Girl laying naked on a bed I had to cop a feel " Just so you know when he said that Your Papa Corey twisted the guys nuts to the point "

" They popped " Papa Corey said with a huge smile
" I guess that gives new meaning to busting a nut" I said with a laugh

That set everyone off in to a fit of laughter for a few minutes

" Okay Children " Uncle Owen said with a smirk

" Sorry Owen " I said with a smile

" Now Thomas has been taken Care off he won't be bothering you or anyone again " Owen said

" How did he know where I was going " I asked

" From what he told us he followed Beanie and Melody because Todd knew you would be surrounded and hiding he thought Beanie would lead him to you , From now on Beanie is being put on lock down so is Melody both have been taken out of town until Todd is caught and dealt with " Owen said

" Harper you don't have any other Appointments do you " Victor Asked

" Only a Follow up with Uncle Sean in three weeks and I know I will need another wax in two weeks but I think Next time I will have Mama  or even the guys in the room " I said

" Oh on a good note Harper , We have arranged for you to do your classes at the Cafe when school starts , One of the Professor or should I say Chefs from the school is going to come for four hours a day to teach and you will also do video classes too " Daddy Axel said

I smiled so big I still get to go to school just a little different but it's still school

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon