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Hailey and I were always destined, but of course everything comes  with complications.... The complications came from my part though. I was so afraid to open up. I was afraid of starting a new relationship, I was afraid of giving my all and getting nothing in return. Even though things with her were different, I was always so afraid. I mean the first day her and I met back in 2014, I felt the strongest bond. It was like the universe wanted two magnets to come together but both magnets were trying to go against it. These aren't just words on a paper, or me sharing things I've experienced with Hailey these past 4 years, these are  7 love letters to her as I express all that I've felt since that day we re-met.

Lets go back to April 2014, that's where it all started ...

Kendall and I were really good friends at the time, it was weird because everyone thought her and I had something but in all honesty we were just good friends. Just friends, nothing more. I remember the day she introduced me to Hailey and how we had to explain to Kendall that we met before, I didn't really remember, but Hailey did and it was cute to me that she did.

"Hey Justin, this is my best friend Hailey" Kendall said

I wasn't expecting to see such a pretty girl, such pretty eyes, and such a pretty mouth, her lips were so plumped I just couldn't stop staring at them.

"Hi, I'm Hailey" she said

"Justin—Justin Bieber " I responded holding out my hand.

I thought that would be the perfect time for me to throw one of my very well thought out pickup lines..

"I feel like I've seen you somewhere before... where you in my dreams last night?" I smirk.

She gives me the cutest laugh and I can't help but smile

"no, I wasn't in your dreams, but I did meet you when I was twelve " she responds

"Really we-" I start but Kendall cuts me off

"Okay, now that you two have met let's go eat... I'm starving" Kendall calls out

We were at the restaurant and I remember exactly what you ordered to eat that day.

"I'll have the Spinach-and-Shrimp Salad with Chile Dressing"

The words rolled out your tongue so effortlessly and you had me mesmerized. Of course at the time, all the girls l saw mesmerized me. I was trying to fill a void, I was sleeping around with different women, I was doing things to make me feel better but something about you felt different. Maybe it was that salad you ordered that caught my attention, or how you spoke with your hands, or how you'd smile at my from time to time— I don't know what it was but I was hooked.

"So how did you guys meet again?" Kendall asked bringing me back from my train of thought

"my dad— my dad he uh, he umm, he took me to see Justin one day" Hailey stuttered.

"that's so crazy" I said "where at"

"You don't remember?" her voice almost faint.

I felt bad. I mean, how was I supposed to remember where we met if we met years ago if she was twelve that means I was 15, that was almost 5 years ago... but I lie, and pretend like I couldn't remember the name of the place.

"no, I do remember...you can in with your dad and he said "my daughters a big fan" right?..." I laugh nervously "we were at that place, with the people"

"Well my dad didn't say that specifically, but yes he did introduce us" she responded

Safe. She didn't realize I didn't remember. How could I not recall meeting such an angelic face. Hailey....Such an angelic face and such an angelic name.

The 7th Letter : A Jailey story Where stories live. Discover now