One thing I.....

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One thing you love about yourself- I love my sense of style. I can wear anything from a t-shirt and sweatpants to a nice dress and shoes. I can wear totally different styles but still express myself.

One thing I dislike about myself- I dislike how I act sometimes. Sometimes I act like an annoying person. I feel like I can be really annoying at times and know I am doing it but I keep doing it.

One thing I can't leave the house with out- I like to wear a rubber bracelet and ..... Umm clothes. Obviously.

One thing I wear a lot- I wear a lot of rubber bracelets. I wear one that says fish are friends not food from Finding Nemo and has marlin and dory with Bruce holding them. I have one with simba and nala and it says hakuna matata. The. I wear one that supports breast cancer awareness and lupus awareness. So yeah.

One thing I dislike about my chores- I don't really do much chores. I usually ignore them but I don't like how when I try to do them my pets want like take me out of my like mojo where I am doing it good and then they annoy me.

One thing I like about my chores- NOTHING!

One thing I do to my hair is- I like to put bows in it and coordinate them with my outfit.

One thing I love about my family- I love that they will always put us(my sister and I) first. They will put us before themselves cause they care.

One thing I dislike about my family- Well when you tell them something they hold it against you and make fun of you for the rest of your life.

One thing I can't go a day without-Love. I need to be loved and cared for or else I just lose my mind. It's like" if you can't love me don't even talk to me". But that only applies for my family. If it's a stranger that I meet and they don't like me I'm like " Get away from me. If you hate me that's not my problem."

So yeah that's pretty much it.

I tag ari45761

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