Chandler's New Year's Resolution

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(Based on Season 1, Episode 10.
The One With The Monkey)

"It was New Year's Eve. Everyone had agreed to not bring dates to the party, but of course that didn't stick. Phoebe had David, Chandler had Janice and Monica had Fun Bobby. Paolo and Sandy were showing up for Rachel and Joey too.

"The start of the party was fun. There was a small argument over Ross' new pet and Sandy brought her kids, but nothing too bad. Problems for the friends started occurring after Rachel arrived. Paolo had missed his flight and Rachel had been attacked by a lady over a taxi. The party went more and more downhill from there. Everyone's dates failed, all for different reasons.

"The countdown started and the six were miserable. Chandler then pointed out that there were three guys and three girls. Phoebe didn't want to kiss anyone and Rachel couldn't so arguments naturally broke out. One clear voice rang out among the others.
"Somebody kiss me! Somebody kiss me!" Chandler demanded. Suddenly a pair of lips crashed into his. He felt a new sensation he'd never felt before. He looked at the owner of the tongue in his mouth. Joey Tribbiani. What was this feeling? These strange... fireworks exploding in his chest, the embers spreading to every inch of his body. Was this because of Joey's skills... or was there something else?
Time seemed to slow down and Chandler searched his mind, obsessively searching through past memories for an answer. One word stood out throughout it all. Gay. The more Chandler thought about it, the more pieces started falling into place. He was never jealous of Joey - he was jealous of his partners. He wanted the dates and the entertainment after. He wanted Joey.
"Okay, Bing," Chandler thought to himself. "It's Joey. He's your best friend. My New Year's resolution is to figure this out and talk to him. He'll at least be supportive."

After he was told, Joey became the most supportive man he possibly could and beamed with joy when Chandler reacted in the same way upon finding out about Joey's bisexuality." Monica smiled at the two children sat in front of her. "And that's how your dads started dating. Do you want to know about the wedding next?"

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