Plans for Christmas

Start from the beginning

He chuckled, glancing at the time on his laptop. He needed to join Scarlett and the others, hearing all about the progress on the damn Christmas party next week. It was nearly wrapped up, they just needed his confirmation.

"I need to go, mom, I do have a meeting to attend. I'll see you Tuesday around five."

She snorted, "You'll see me Monday night at the Christmas party at the hotel." She reminded him.

Right his family would also join that party. Too many stressful days in a row. He needed to prepare himself over the weekend. Either stay at home and rest up or go out and drink till he couldn't see straight anymore. Despite the latter option sounding tempting, he knew his body couldn't handle it. He'd have to pull himself together in a matter of hours come Monday.

He knew he wouldn't be able to do that, so staying at home and doing the hermit thing was the better option.

"Right, Monday night." He trailed off.

"Your dad and I are looking forward to it."

He smiled though it didn't quite reach his eyes. He did force himself to sound utterly happy about it though.

"We're doing our best to deliver so I hope you'll enjoy it."

His mother giggled, "So professional." She joked, "I'll let you go. See you Monday night, honey."

He ended the call, closed his laptop and pocketed his phone. Throwing his jacket back on, he straightened his tie and ran his hands over his jacket to fix everything. He then left his office and joined his staff in the conference room. Scarlett sat in his chair at the head of the table, focusing on the pitch of their marketing and communication team. They fell silent for a split second when he joined them. He then sat down at Scarlett's right and gestured for them to continue.

"It's all going according to plan," Scarlett whispered to him.

He flickered his eyes to her, "We're wrapping this up?" He asked her.

She nodded, looking very confident about her decision, "Yes, without a doubt."

He smiled and focused back on the pitch, trying to get back in the game so things wouldn't drag on forever.


At the end of the day, Scarlett walked into his office to let him know she was ready to leave. She smiled at him when he met her gaze.

"It's my day off tomorrow." She reminded him, "I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest."

He smirked at her, "You should. You did go through hell to get your day off."

She grinned and leaned against the doorpost, "It wasn't that bad." She said quietly, "I recall having a great time together with you."

Like always she tried to charm the pants off him. It worked, he was charmed by this woman looking at him as if he was her Christmas miracle.


Her eyes softened as she quietly responded, "Yeah, I had fun." She confirmed.

He could stare at her all day when she looked so beautiful. Soft and gentle with warmth in her eyes which promised him a future he didn't dare dream of. He needed to pull himself together, otherwise, they'd stare at each other for the rest of the evening.

"My mother is throwing a family Christmas dinner the day after our Christmas party." He started and watched her wrap her arms around herself as she carefully listened to him, "She wants you to attend it too. If you can make it I'd love having you as my date. I do need to warn you, everyone will be present."

"Michael and Noah's family?" She asked.

He nodded, "So I do understand if it makes you uncomfortable."

She narrowed her eyes on him, "I'll be attending it as your girlfriend, right?"


The serious tone faded as snow before the sun. She grinned at him as if she won the lottery with that one, "Good, then I'll be happy to join."

As his girlfriend?

She always confused him when she teased him like that. He figured she wanted something more from him but she never confirmed it. He didn't dare to ask her since he was afraid to destroy what they had. They just had to wait and see for now.

"I'll pick you up around four, my mother has a tight schedule so I don't want to be late."

"Yes, let's not upset her further." Scarlett agreed, "If you need me tomorrow just call me. I am taking my laptop with me."

She was still professional at heart. He loved that.

"I think we can manage for the day, see you Monday, Miss Archer."

She pushed away from the doorpost and smirked at him, "Looking forward to it, Mister Starr." She then winked at him, left his office and closed the door behind her.

The woman was so confusing but he reckoned she wanted the same thing as him. He'd follow Noah and Michael's example and lower his guard completely. Maybe after they endured Christmas together he could officially call her his girlfriend. 

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