Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

Angela, who stood in close proximity to Mira caught my eye and waved with a friendly smile on her face and I returend it before walking away, heading over to where Harrison was holding a squirming Simbah, grinning as Harrison tried to get my dog to stop licking his cheek.

"Thanks for coming Harrison." I said, looking up at him happily as I took Simbah from his arms, giggling as I received a slobbery kiss. From the Scotty of course.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Came Harrison's reply as he slung an arm across my shoulders. "You look beautiful today."

I blushed at his compliment, ducking my head so he wouldn't see my rosy cheeks.

"Aw, is Kirsten embarrassed?" Harrison teased, brushing away one of my locks of hair and pushing it behing my back.

When I didn't answer, his eyes got serious and he said, "well you shouldn't be."

At that moment, Simbah wiggled out of my arms, hopping down to the granite floor with ease before weaving between numerous pairs of legs, giving me a distraction from Harrison.

"Shit, that stupid dog." I muttered, turning quickly and attempting to chase after the ball of fur that had disappeared behind a group of people, Harrison following closely behind me, his warm hand sliding into mine. Sadly, I wasn't nearly adept at sidling between individuals as my dog seemed to be, especially with Harrison walking right behind, but I found him a couple seconds later, much to my relief and horror.

There Simbah sat, barking wildly at Mira as she screamed and scurried behind Garrett's form, trotting around Garrett's legs to follow the model as Mira raced away futilely in her skyhigh heels. Then when she was finally still, unable to move anywhere except closer to the corner where she was trapped, Simbah lifted his leg, right over Mira's trembling heeled foot. And peed. My hand fell from Harrison's as I stood there shocked.

It was almost like everything went in slow motion. I saw his pee hit her shiny gold shoe, each complimenting the same shade of yellow, and soak through her pantyhose, hearing so clearly as Mira screamed bloody murder and loudly curse my dog, only to be shut up when Simbah landed another load on her other shoe, her eyes growing wide and her mouth open and sputtering in absolute shock.

Mira stood there in shame, her entire frame trembling uncontrollably, standing in a puddle of my dog's pee with her feet probably soaking. For a second she just stood there but then she screamed loudly at the top of her voice, "GARRETT!!"

Garrett appeared behind me, slowly approaching her, and with a sob, Mira lurched towards him only to forget that my dog was right below her feet. One of her shoes caught his small frame and she went toppling forward, shrieking as she hit the granite floor, her hands flailing in the air dramatically.

Her blazer was wrinkled and her white tanktop looked slightly stained with something yellow and I didn't even want to describe the state of her shoes and pantyhose. Suddenly, I didn't feel as if I looked shabby compared to her as I did only a minute ago.

Beside me, Garrett stilled and suddenly, he began shaking. I looked up, concerned at his movement, only to see him try to supress a humourous laugh and a wicked smile. I was torn. I didn't know whether to feel mortified, gleeful, or sorry because all I could do was stare as Mira slowly stood up with a humiliated look on her face and Simbah barked happily, waving his tail and trotting over to me.

"I told you I wouldn't have missed this for the world." Harrison whispered into my ear, his hand finding mine again as he started to chuckle softly.

And that was it, I couldn't help but start giggling hysterically, ignorant of Mira's death stare and the looks of the others around me as Garrett, Angela, and Harrison joined me in my mirth.

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