Chapter two

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Harry's P.O.V.

When I finished singing my song my magic flared up and I was transported to a void like place. 'Where am I' I thought to myself as i looked around. "You are in a limbo of life and death."

A voice said to me making me jump slightly. "Who are you?" I asked the voice. "You know me by the name Death though my true name is Aiden." Aiden said as he emerged from the darkness of the place. "Why am I here?" I asked causing Aiden to chuckle. "You are here to choose." He said. "To choose what?" I once again asked. "To choose whether to remain as you are in time or to go back to when I first came into contact with you and change what happens." Aiden said to me. "I can go back and change my life?" I asked a bit surprised at this. "If you choose to, yes."

Aiden said simply. "I want to go back. Wait will I remember this happening and what the others did or will I forget? " I asked Aiden. "You will remember all you have experienced and you will keep the Lordships you have claimed, the blocks, spells and charms that were on you will stay removed as well. You will also have a few surprises in store for you." Aiden said."Now I will send you to the past." When he said that I felt a wave of exhaustion overcome me. "See you soon Master Harry." I heard Aiden say.

Third Person P.O.V.

It was halloween night at the Potter house that was under the Fidelius charm. The sky looked as if it was going to rain any second. In the house was the Potter family. Lily Potter was tending to her baby, Harry, as her husband was talking in the next room to Sirius Black,Harry's godfather. James Potter and Sirius Black were talking about quidditch teams and who would win the next championship, when the front door downstairs was blown down by a blast of magic. James ran down the stairs to confront the intruder telling his wife Lily to stay with their son. Unfortunately James had left his wand upstairs in his rush, and was killed by a burst of green light that came from the wand pointed at him. Lily wrapped Harry in James's invisibility cloak in hopes to hide him from the man who killed her husband. Said man was calmly walking up the stairs when he was confronted by Sirius. The man then cast a stupefy at Sirius, who was knocked out from the force of the spell. The man then made his way to where Lily and Harry were hiding. He opened the door and found Lily crying for her dead husband. "Where is the boy?" The man asked Lily. "Please not Harry Please!" Lily begged him. "Out of the way." The man said to her. "Please not Harry! Take me instead!" Lily continued to beg him. "This is your last chance women! Move!" the man said getting angrier at her by the second. "Please not my baby!" Lily continued to sob. The flash of green light ended her sobbing and the man continued to look for the boy prophesied to kill him. The man saw the slightest of movement in the crib on the other side of the room and walked over to it. The man reached into the seemingly empty crib and moved aside the cloak exposing baby Harry's face. The man prepared to kill the boy when he saw the baby's lips move and form two words 'Hello Tom' this made "Tom" pause slightly before coming to a silent decision. With his mouth in a tight line he whispered "Avada kedavra"

And a green light shot from his wand hitting the baby. To the mans suprise the light bounced off the baby and hit him, turning him into a black fog that left the house. Harry Fell asleep once he saw Snape enter the room and cry over the dead body of his mother and vow to protect him.

Harry's P.O.V.

When I first woke up I saw my mother in front of me wrapping the invisibility cloak around me. Then I heard Siri get hit by a stupefy spell and hit the wall knocking him unconscious. I saw mom crying and begging for the man to spare me even as she was killed. I shifted slightly as I saw him move closer to me. Then he was reaching in my crib moving the cloak. I did the only thing I could think of and mouthed 'Hello Tom' this seemed to shock him slightly before he aimed his wand and said the killing curse. Tom then got hit with the green light that rebounded off of me and turned into the black ghost I remember from first year. Not long after that I saw Snape enter the room seeing me mother's dead body and vowing to protect me. I fell asleep shortly after that.

Betrayed? Go back in time. A Harry Potter storyWhere stories live. Discover now