Chapter Fourty Five

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"Broken" Chapter 45

Selena’s P.O.V

I don’t think anyone could be as miserable as me right now. I can not stand being a girl when it comes to my weekly visit from mother nature. Sure it doesn’t last a full week since I’m on the pill, but it sure makes me a raging ‘I don’t put up with your shit for a second’ bitch. Everyone just loves being around me when I’m like this, how funny…

Chloe and my parent’s are back from the volleyball tournament. The wedding is in exactly one week. I have to plan the whole bachelorette party still and shit like that. Remind me never to be a maid of honor again! But not really, I’m just pissed off at the moment.

“Don’t go near her, she’s in full on bitch mode” I heard Chloe say from the hall to probably my parents. I was sitting in my room watching TV and feeling sorry for myself with the covers pulled up to my chin. I looked like a mess.

“Sweetie, Justin’s on the phone for you” my mom said from behind my closed door. I turned my phone off since the world seemed to be pissing me off, I know, it’s a problem.

“Tell him I’m not home and that I hate him!” I yelled. I heard her sigh and walk away. Just out of curiosity I turned my phone on to see if anyone had actually texted me.

I had a few texts from Amber, but she knows that I’m utterly miserable at the moment. And I had one from Justin,

From: Boyfriend <3

Babe, why aren’t you answering my calls? I was going to see if you wanted to come over and watch a movie and have lunch with me :)

I moaned at a series of intense cramps and kicked my legs dramatically. I should star in a soap opera for my ability of over dramatizing things,

To: Boyfriend <3

No, I’d rather eat shit than go fucking see you right now.

Harsh? Maybe, but do I care? No.

From: Boyfriend <3

I’ll be over in ten with some midol, a heating pad, movies, chocolate, and chinese.

Xutclihvj well there is your reason behind why I’ve never even thought aboutbreaking up with him, he’s simply perfect,

To: Boyfriend <3

This is why I love you

I turned my phone back off and resumed watching my re runs from years ago of One Tree Hill. No matter how many times I’ve seen them, they never get old.

I laid there for a few minutes when there was a knock on the door,

“Go die in a hole!” I yelled and threw a pillow at the door. The door opened slowly and someone stuck their hand through, holding a white plastic bag. I grunted without intention and the door slowly opened more, revealing my, well for today he is, my knight in shining armor holding one bag of chinese food and another that I assume had chocolate, midol, and movies as well as my heating pad in it.

I held out my arms like a five year old asking for a hug and pouted my lip out. Justin walked over to me and set the two bags on the end of my bed before crawling on the bed and pulling me into his lap so that I sat between his legs with my head on his chest,

“I am so miserable” I whined. He chuckled and pulled my shirt up and little and began rubbing my lower stomach right where the cramps were.

“That’s why I brought you another surprise” he said, kissing my temple,

“What?” I asked excitedly.

“Well, it involves you and me” he said, kissing my cheek, “Some white stuff that can sometimes be sticky” he said seductively and gave me another kiss on my cheek, “and there’s definitely going to be some heat, oh and a stick” he said, kissing right under my ear, “And if I remember correctly, you let out a moan every time you taste it” he whispered in my ear,

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