New Room

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Rachel's P.O.V.

"You sure this is it Harry?" I asked once again.

We were nearly outside the room that I would be living in for the next year and I was starting to feel nervous.

"Yes Rachel, I'm sure. Do you want me to walk you in?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes.

"No thank you" I muttered back in response.

He grinned.

"Okay, well as long as your okay I'm gonna go hang out with the boys. If you need anything , give me a call, okay?" he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Harry I'm not a baby. I can do this" I replied.

With that I turned to the door and opened it with the key I had been given.

I lugged my bag in behind me, glancing around quickly.

It was a pretty big room with pink walls, a set of bunk beds to the right and a single bed to the left.

I was the only one in the room so far so my roommates obviously weren't here yet.

Deciding to let one of the others have the single bed I plopped my large case onto the top bunk, claiming that bed.

I began unpacking my things, and spent the next half hour making myself comfortable in the room - sticking up a few pictures near my bed.

I had a picture of me and a few of my friends from back home. I was gonna miss them a lot.

None of them had come to this University. I was pretty lucky Harry was here, at least I had him. Though, he probably wouldn't want his little sister tagging around.

The door opening pulled me out of my train of thought.

A blonde girl about my age walked in, dragging a large case behind her.

"Hello!" I exclaimed hopping off of my top bunk, jumping to the floor.

"Hi" she gave me a shy smile.

I held out my hand for her to shake and she did slowly.

"I'm Rachel. Rachel Styles" I told her.

"Skylar Storm" she replied softly.

"So em, which bed can I have?" she added, glancing around the room.

I shrugged casually, pointing to the two free beds.

"Either of those two" I gave her a small smile, trying to make her feel more comfortable.

She decided on the bottom bunk and so she began unpacking her things.

"Is that your boyfriend?" she asked suddenly, pointing to a picture I had on the wall next to my bed.

I giggled slightly.

It was a picture taken a few weeks ago, of me and Harry, over the summer when we had taken a family trip to Spain.

"No, that's my older brother, Harry" I told her honestly.

"Oh" she bit her lip, seeming to think for a second before continuing to unpack her things.

"He's in second year here you know. He has a bunch of really hot friends. I'll introduce you to them later" I added, with a wink.

I wasn't kidding. I had only met four of Harry's friends from college and judging by what I'd heard, he had a lot more.

Of the four I knew Louis quite well. He was Harry's roommate here so I saw a lot more of him. Zayn, Niall and Liam all seemed lovely as well. Not to mention they were all insanely hot.

Skylar grinned, blushing ever so slightly.

I had a feeling she was the sort who got insanely when meeting a group.

Before I had a chance to explore this thought, the door opened again, this time revealing a brunette.

"Hey" she smiled as she closed the door behind her.

"Hello" I gave her a warm smile as she threw her bag on the single bed.

"I'm Tricia" she told us.

"I'm Rachel, this is Skylar" I introduced us both quickly.

She waved slightly.

I plopped back onto my bed.

"So where do you guys come from?" I asked neither one of them in particular.

We spent the rest of the day in the room, unpacking our stuff, and just getting to know each other. We would after all be living together for at least a year.

By the time I went to bed that night I was feeling really good about this whole "College" experience.

My lectures would be starting in the morning. Hopefully they would go well too.

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One Direction UniversityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora