Well, We Are Really Lazy

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They woke up at four in the morning, drinking coffee and Kool Aid. Fury was off for the weekend, visiting his crazy aunts in Jamaica. The staff found out he actually had shorts. And a dark green eye patch. It was amazingly awkward, to the point where it warded off people.

"Suit designing!" Kayla sang as they were pulling up designs and looks on the various computers. So far, they had the colors down.

Jessie designed a suit that was comfortable, and moved with her figure. It could be converted to long sleeves and pants, or tank top and shorts. It also had accents of white, for her wings. It was up until it stopped at her neck. Her hair would magically be styled in an unstoppable ponytail, and her suit was breathable and wouldn't get dirty. She also had custom made boots and gloves, molding to her skin. And, of course, a mask. It was a Phantom of the Opera mask, taking up half her face.

Kayla was in a slightly shimmering fabric. It was a gray, silvery color that would change to her surroundings should she choose to go invisible. She had a mask much like the Incredibles, but bigger. It had a slit in the upper arms, showing off some skin as she stood confidently, hair curled and held back. Both grinned as they heard an explosion.

It was a villain that had escaped from prison a while back. Called himself Dark Side. He was a lame dude.

"And soon, all of you will kneel!" He said as Kayla stepped up, scoffing.

"You so got that from Loki." And that was when Fantisima and Elementa were amazing. He had gadgets, but Fantisima was dodging them, freaking him out as Elementa hit him with fire and water repeatedly until he fell, them pinning him down as they tossed him to the police as the Avengers came down from their celebratory dinner that the two agents didn't participate in.

"Who are you?" Stark asked, suit on and blaster pointed at them.

"Well, that's a very important question, Mr. Stark. Who are we all, on the inside?" Kayla faked enthusiasm as a blast ensued, causing them to fall back.

"Well, that wasn't very nice, Tony." Jess frowned as she dodged another blast. "That could've severely injured me. But hey, maybe I could've seen Dobby and Fred." And that was when a fight ensued. Banner was irritable, trying to keep his rage under control as he began to shake.

"Hey, it's okay. You will be okay." Elementa hugged Banner goodbye as with a crack of the earth opened, distracting them as the two feminine heroes escaped with an almost inaudible pop.

"Well, that was interesting," Black Widow said as she stashed her gun away.

"They were annoying," Tony grumbled as they all smirked.

"It reminds us of you!" Hawkeye said as Stark glared, suit going away.

"And I also support most of the technology we use today." They fell silent as they walked back to the towers, where the girls were taking off their suits and getting everything back to normal before stuffing the suits under bed floorboards.

"Well, we are really lazy." Kayla said with a laugh. Both flopped down, watching random television shows and criticizing the models on America's Next Top Model who thought they were hot stuff.

"Stupid supers," Stark and America grumbled as they flopped on the chairs by the girls.

"Are you referring to the two new super girls?" Jess asked as they nodded. "Well, if you don't like em, get out. I love them," she defended them, slyly winking at Kayla as the two Avengers grumbled before testing their last package of bacon with an empty promise of getting more.

"Remind me why I even like Steve?" Kayla said sarcastically as she snorted, eating raw cereal.

"Because he's freaking polite and, just, American. It's like, if you don't like him, you're not American," Jessie said as Kayla acknowledged the fact.

"We kicked butt today, Elementa."

"Fantisima. That we did. We can't reveal anything, so no innuendos."

"Gods, you ruin all the fun," Kayla grumbled as she automatically rose her hand up to receive a high five. When you made a fandom reference, it deserved a high five.

"Agent Hobbs! Agent Cush!" Fury roared as he handed them still warm off the printer glossy pictures of them in super suits. "Get dirt on these now." They shared looks as they passed it to a newbie agent.

"Agent Tyde, you get this one. Have fun!" Jess winked at him as he flushed, scurrying away. Out of the two, Jessie had the most fun messing with ships. She was channeling her inner Riordan.

"Why did you give him the files?" Fury asked, straining for a calm angriness in his voice.

"Well, we are really lazy," Kayla said with a shrug as they headed down to the cafeteria. They were serving pie. Pie. You cannot miss pie day for anything besides maybe if a bookstore is having a grab as many as you can for five bucks deal.

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