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Janae:where are we going?

Lasey: we are going to my house

Janae: oh ok:-)


Lacey: alright we are here

Janae:you have a nice house

Lacey: thx

Janae:your welcome

Lacey:wanna do homework and then you call one of your friends and I'll call one of my friends so we can watch a movie together


*You finished your homework*

Lacey:let's call them

*Lacey called luca cause she knew you have a crush on him and you called Andy cause you knew that she had a crush on him.*

Lacey:let's get some popcorn and snacks and we can set up a movie

*Y'all made the popcorn and snacks for the movie*


Lacey:I'll get it


*Both Luca and Andy were at the door*

Lacey:come in

*You here the door close so you sit down*

Lacey:alright do y'all want to watch

*You turn around and see Luca and Andi and you blush when you see Luca*

Lacey:*sits down next to Andy and Luca sits down with you*

*You blush even harder and lacey sees so texted you*

Lacey and Janae text messages

Lacey:you look like a tomato 🍅 😂😂

                                                             Janae:shut up and let's figure it out  and be quite you do to😂

Lacey:ok fine but my ship
Is going to be sailed soon and
I know it🤣🤣🤣.


                                                                            Janae:so will mine🤣


acey:what movie do y'all want to watch


Luca:how about the conjuring 2?


luca:I will protect you *smiles*

Lacey:*winks* at you playfully

Janae:fine I will watch it

*After the movie you were in shock*

Janae:I can't be all alone in my house I am staying here.*still shocked*

Luca:I can come with I am sure that andy and lacey will be fine here and I can protect you if get scared

Lacey:go ahead

Janae:ok I will leave you to alone*winks*

Lacey:*blushes*Janae just go so you and Luca can get all smuchie face

You an Luca blush

Luca:alright let's go Janae


*Y'all were walking home and it was getting dark but y'all did not care but you were still a little scared because of the movie*

Luca:are you ok

Janae:yeah I am fine

Luca:ok so was that your first time watching the conjuring 2

Janae:yeah...but the only reason I got scared is that I can see and feel ghost or any spirits around me it's kinda weird but cool*

Luca:oh cool....about the eye color thing?

Janae:oh yeah that ..well it is based off my emotions

Luca:cool I thought that it just randomly happened

Janae:no...but I have to tell you something

Luca:was is it?

Janae:I have to tell you that when my eyes change color you have to beware what specific eye color it is

Luca:ok what eye colors should I look out for?

Janae:well I will just tell you the different types of the eye colors when we get inside.

*Y'all got inside so y'all went to your room*


Sorry for the cliffhanger bit I will most likely be posting tomorrow I will see y'all tomorrow I think


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