cars, hashtags and parcels

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queen group chat Freddie roger john brian

brian: rog where R U

brian: rog

john: he went out earlier

brian: he could answer

john: he hasn't read the messages

freddie: he is probably shagging his car

brian: would he be a top or bottom?

john: bottom

freddie: how would that even work

john: stick shift

freddie: noice

brian: disturbing

freddie: u asked in the first place


freddie: i knew that would make u answer!

roger: uggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

john: #rogershagscars

roger: NO I DONT

brian: deacy learnt about hashtags

freddie: adorable

john: #rogerlovescars

roger: i dont love cars john

freddie: admit it rog

roger: no

john: what were you actually doing roger

roger: collecting my parcel

brian: that explains the email to the group fund saying a delivery of 100 drumsticks was ready

roger: soz i didnt realise i put it on group fund

freddie: why do u need 100 drumsticks

roger:  i break them easily

brian: ohhhkkkkkkkkk

brian: what happened to the others did u put them in the recycling

roger: yes 

freddie: can you all get your arses downstairs food is ready

roger: ok mum

freddie: can it Taylor!

brian: stop bitching and get downstairs

roger: fine

a/n sorry about the long wait for a new chapter i was busy. not that anyone reads this anyway.

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